You only care about yourself

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The next day you were with you and a few others were assigned with a job at HQ in Trost. You kept daydreaming about Eren,who was currently on the wall for his duties.
All of a sudden a big crash and sparking was heard. Everybody froze.
"W-what was that?" You muttered. But by the looks of everyones pale faces, you could tell they all arrived at the same conclusion.


Trainees ran in all directions, you could hear the screams and stomping of feet in the distance beyond HQ which signalled the whole of Trost evacuating frantically.
" All Trainees have been summoned to attend a quick briefing ! This is not a drill!" An Officer shouted from somewhere, your heart dropped.

As you made your way to the briefing, you remembered.
He was stationed exactly where you thought you heard the sound from.

You froze on the spot. No!
I don't want to believe it!
You covered your hands over your ears and squeezed your eyes shut. A random person knocked into you in the crowd, you stumbled foward.

Suddenly you were resting on something warm, someone was tugging at your hands to remove them off your ears.

"-ame!, Name!" You looked up to see Eren, looking rather flustered, yanking your arm to the point of pain.

"Keep walking" He muttered, leading you by the wrist.
Something definitely happened.

"Unfortunately, due to lack of soldiers ,you trainees will also have to face them! Take all your training into consideration as you fight th-"
A frightened looking Officer Weilman bellowed from the front surrounded by other guilty looking garrison soldiers.
You blocked him out and started to breathe rapidly.

Fight titans?

This is crazy. You thought you were ready but you found the strength draining from you as death himself wrapped a cold slender finger around your spine.

Everyone was quickly informed of were they will be assigned to. You found your heart rise a little when you were assigned to guarding the HQ, and supplying others on the battle field.
You felt guilty that you worried only for yourself and spotted Eren storming away from a Mikasa , holding her head in pain.

"Eren are you ok?" You tapped him lightly on the back. He suddenly turned around and grabbed your hand roughly. Definitely in a bad bad mood...

"Name, worry about yourself. Promise me you won't get yourself killed" He patted your head absent mindedly.
You didn't feel like you had to reassure him, he looked ready to kill a couple hundred titans right there.

Nothing. You said nothing , slowly nodding.
You only care about yourself

You were summoned in the opposite direction of Erens group and you watched desperately as they entered hell. All geared up. In vain...


The signal for retreat was sounded, suggesting the complete evacuation of citizens.
But how the hell is anyone supposed to retreat in this situation.

Titans swarmed around HQ, a few even 4meter class titans entered the basement stopping us from getting to the gas supply.

You and a few others hid behind up turned tables, occasionally you poked your head up to see them.

They stared right back, through the windows.

What good are you? Theres people struggling, waiting for you. Do something!

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