Beyond The Walls (ErenxReader)

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" Run faster, you retarded shits!!! " Shouted Keith, the instructor as the members of the 104th trainee group ran with all their energy in the dark rainy forest carrying heavy luggage.

You took a glimpse behind you and caught Reiner helping the struggling Armin and huffed to yourself. Why should people help others when their chances of joining the military police and living in the interior was so slim? No matter what I will live in the interior, you thought to yourself running harder.

You managed to catch up to Eren who was one of the people at the front and Mikasa who seemed to be holding herself back to run beside him.

Mikasa was really pretty, and you couldn't help but think your crush on Eren was meaningless. Besides what good would it do if you liked someone who wanted to get themselves killed so badly.

" With this I can definately live in the interior" You muttered to yourself angrily as you got a burst of energy and ran ahead of everyone else.

"I didnt think you were one of those people" Eren said through breaths and tried to catch up with you turning it into an intense race.

" Too bad your going to waste your good looks by getting your face inbetween a titans jaws" You said out of breath. Immediatly blushing as you realised what you said was both embarassing a super offensive.

" I-I mean anyone is good looking compared to a titan" You said.

Suddenly Eren ran past you and you fell behind.

" Whats wrong? Your getting slower didn't you want to live in the interior?!" He mocked " Knowing you, you'd probably use your face to get any random rich guy to marry yo--" he stopped. You saw he started to slow down and you managed to slowly get ahead, catching his face in the corner of your eyes. His cheeks were tinted with red.

" Yeah and so what?!" You shouted.

" Nothing!" He said angrily.

Suddenly you felt something rush inbetween you and hit you hard in the leg causing you to fall over and roll into the bushes, the heavy supplies landing on the same leg. Poor leg?

"STOP!" Keith shouted. Uh oh his going to embarass me im sure.

" Mikasa what the hell?!" You heard Eren yell.

" Im sorry Eren, did I hurt you?" Mikasa replied darkly.

" No but you clearly hurt (name)!" He shouted and shoved her out of his way to kneel beside you.


" Ok...ok" You said trying to stand causing an electric pain to shoot through your leg making you realise it was broken you stumbled foward but Eren managed to catch you. You breathed him in,he was so warm eventhough it was raining.

" Instructor, I think her leg is broken" Eren said, you felt him pull you further in.

" I see, Recklessly hurting yourself in training. It will definately affect you-" Keith started

" It wasnt her fault !" Eren interrupted. He glared over at Mikasa expecting her to own up but she averted her eyes away from him.

" Yeah it was my fault I guess i just tripped over a stick and landed in a bad way..." You said

The rest of the journey you rode Keith's horse with him. Once you got back you were given medical attention. Luckily it was just a sprain and would heal in no time. You limped back to the dining hall with a walking stick. Before you went in you heard shouting.

" You've got to be kidding me!!" you heard Eren say.

" By challenging you, she was making you run past your limits, I was scared that you could have hurt yourself, Eren" Mikasa said calmly with worry in her voice.

" So you had to break her leg like that?!" Eren shouted his voice getting louder.

" I only tried to run inbetween, I didn't expect her to be so close it was an accident " Mikasa said with a low voice.

" As if yo- " Eren started.

" I'd stop tormenting her and shouting like a mad person if i were you" Jean provoked, standing up for Mikasa.

" Who told you to get involved? " Eren growled. You heard thumps and clattering and decided to enter. As you opened the door everyone went silent and you saw eren and jean holding eachother by the collar. Eren immediatly rushed to you.

" Are you ok? " Eren asked.

" Yeah, also what Mikasa said is true, I guess I kinda ran in closer to you at the wrong moment when she was trying to come inbetween. So shes not at fault, Its my fault i tripped" You said trying to reason with Eren.

" But what about your spot on the top 10?" Armin asked

" I have plenty of other chances!" You faked a cheerful tone.

Suddenly Eren grabbed your wrist.

"Come with me" He said simply. Taking you away to a secluded area. As he led you by the arm you stared at the back of his head and neck and found yourself blushing. Without warning he quickly turned around and caught your deep blush. His green eyes widened in suprise, and you quickly looked away in embaressment.

"Dont ever worry me like that again" He said sternly after a few moments of awkward silence.

"Your turning into Mikasa" you joked trying to break the mood, where will this end up?

" N-no, Im being serious. You must have noticed by now? I have you know ... f-feelings for you" he

said with difficulty.

"Eren..." You looked at him to see he was looking right at you with a serious intense expression. Your stomach fluttered under his stare.

You raised your hand and softly touched his cheek. You saw a puzzled expression form on his face as if he didnt understand what you meant by that gesture.

"I have feelings for you too ..." You said, blushing at the fact you forgot to tell him and drawing your hand back. He grabbed your wrist quickly and intwined his fingers into yours.

" When I wipe out all the titans we can explore Beyond The Walls together " He said, his eyes sparkling with ambition.

You felt pained by his exitement and started to worry

"Eren...thats impossible, humans cant defeat titans" You started off queitly and started to get louder " I mean you cant just tell me you have feelings for me and run off and get killed! Why do you want to even go Beyond The Walls?!" You shouted. Looking away from him.

" Im pretty sure its around here..." Eren mumbled to himself. You looked down to see him digging up a bush.

" Were you listening Eren? Stay in the walls with me! Lets make it into the interior together, you dont have to g-- mmf?!!"

Eren had cutt off your speech by pressing his lips onto yours. He pushed something hard into your hand ( not what your thinking ) . You looked down to see a very dirty old looking book, you looked back at him in confusion.

" This is one of the reasons we should be free outside the walls " He said simply.

You opened the book to see beautiful illustrations and descriptions of things that you could never imagine. Unthinkable things. Burning water? A vast ocean of salt? You had never really thought that outside the walls had such wonders. You lost track of time staring, until the pages had finished.

" Wow..." You breathed. " Wow..."

" Right?!" Eren said exitedly, taking the book back to its hiding place.

" I get it, I guess the Survey Corps isnt such a bad idea.." You said trailing off and starting to consider the thought.

" Eren! (Name)! Here you are!" Armin shouted running toward us followed by Mikasa.

" What were you doing?" She asks

"Nothing" We both say together.

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