C H A P T E R 10

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Chapter 10: Olga


   Over the course of four days I was confined to my room. Holding everything did nothing but cause more pain at this point. The over usage of my energy pulses caused deep welts to blistered my arms. Jemma could alleviate some of the pain with medication and wound dressing, but it only worked temporarily.

   Jemma would come to me, refusing to let any of the other medical staff in the room. Besides, it was easier with just her there. Now, she sat on the edge of the bed to help me slip on my gloves. I winced, the activation process hurting more than ever.

   "Sorry. Here, feel any better?"

   "Yes, thank you. How the hell did Daisy deal with this?"

   "It takes time, Daisy still need to watch how much of her powers she uses. Shes practiced controlling them, but she could easily fracture every bone bone in her body in a matter of seconds if she's not careful."

   Jem handed me a single dosage of my medicine and a bottle of water. I thanked her and with one swig of the cold liquid they were gone.

   "Now gets some rest, Coulson said our guest will be arriving shortly." She smiled sweetly and smoothed out my hair, "No arguments, doctors orders."

   With a lazy two finger salute, I slumped against my pillows, "Ma'am yes ma'am."

   "Bobbi will come retrieve you when the guest is here. Eat this to settle your stomach. If a headache comes on takes two of these."

   I nodded and read over the label on the bottle. "Alright, thanks, Simmons."

   "Anytime, love."


   My thumbs tapped together at a slow pace as Bobbi waited with me in the training room. The enhanced name was Olga Callahan. Her name was the only thing Coulson felt obliged to give me during the brief run down I received.

   She had arrived to the base, and Coulson was bringing her to meet me. I was grateful for the opportunity to meet her, but at the same time I felt anxious. She was an empath like me, capable of much more I'm sure. Her goal was to help me, but I was already feeling intimidated. And that was before I even met her.

   Leaning against the brick pillar, I looked to Bobbi, "I can feel your worry, it's bumming me out."

    The blonde smiled apologetically, "Sorry."

   "I'm just as nervous as you. But she's suppose to help and at this point I am willing to anything."

   The hairs on the back of my neck prickled and I stood to attention. It was odd, to feel another empathic presence. It was almost instantaneous, like when a match was lit. Her energy was fiery, but not abrasive. Their was a regality to her, a strong sense of purpose.

   If the mere thought of her was intimidating, so was her actual form. With Phil by her side, the brunette stoically commanded the room. Like morning fog, she gliding across the training mat.

   She was enchanting. The woman illuminated a greenish halo only I seemed to notice. Her deep brown hair was hi lighted by the natural graying strands. Piercing brown eyes stared into my, slowly scaling the length of my body. She was evaluating me. When her gaze returned to mine, a gentle smile curved on her lips. It was warm, invited.

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