C H A P T E R 35

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Chapter 35: Alisha


   The car sped down a winding road. We came to a sharp stop and Lincoln and I hopped out. As Phil and Melinda drove off, we parted ways.

   "Be safe." I reminded quickly.
   "Right back at you."

   With a nod, we rushed off to our designated posts. When May and Coulson were in position they spoke through the coms,

...Looks clear from out here. Lincoln and Sophia?...

...I'm in position, by Alisha's car...

   Lincoln spoke up.


   "In position opposite of Lincoln near her car, the elevator, and the exit."

   My finger pads made a very quiet pitter-patter noise as they tapped along the metal of my staff. My eyes scanned the emptiness of the garage. When the elevator bell dinged, my eyes shot towards the opening doors.

   The strawberry blond woman walked out and Lincoln left his position to confront her. Her heart rate spiked and mine began to mimic hers unintentionally. She questioned Lincoln about why he was there and how he knew where she was.

   "Have you seen Daisy recently?"

   When she said she hadn't, she asked why. Lincoln nervously shifted from one foot to the other before approaching her closer.

   "I thought they'd come for you." He stated, "He looks like Grant Ward, but he is most definitely not Grant Ward. I know it sounds crazy, but he controls Inhumans, forces us to do things we wouldn't otherwise do. I can keep you safe, but..."

   There was an itch up my spine. My palms grew sweaty and I looked into Alisha's mind. Buzzing greeted me. In the corner of my eye, I caught one of Alisha's clones. I tried to get a closer visual but cars were blocking my view.


   They've already got to her. Her clone raised a gun and I quickly whipped my staff out of its holder and it extended to its full length. I ran towards her but before I could do anything, Lincoln turned and shot his electricity at her. The crackling echoed against the concrete.

   Alisha's clone swiftly moved out of the way and continued to shoot at him. Lincoln dove out of the way and I flung my hand up to form a shield around him.

   He took refuge behind a few vehicles as I watched a clone round the corner. When she did, I smacked her in the side with the metal rod. She grunted and I kicked the gun out of her hand.

...Hang tight guys, I'm on the way...

   May spoke. Alisha's clone was a good fighter, but she had told. May rushed in and joined me. Lincoln ran out and took care of the others. I squinted my eyes at the clone and she froze, suspended between my two forcefields.

   "Where's the original?" May asked.

   My heavy breaths were soon masked by the sound of a wince. My body tensed and my vision blurred. Not now. Please not now. I inhaled sharply and fell into a premonition.

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