I was tagged before on this but never actually did it whoops. This time I was tagged by pinkpaestel who is my child I protect with my short dankness.
➹ Describeyourselflikeyouwereacharacterinafic.
"Bell, I need the schedules for the five weeks we are behind. You also need to input all these events in their corresponding section."
"Yes Sir, on it." The short female nodded, her brown, shoulder length hair bobbing when she moved her head to nod.
Short, but spicy and certainly good at getting what she wants. She sighed, slamming her head against the desk harder than she should have. She played Swing music to concentrate, but in reality, she was bored. Very, very bored. And not confident enough. And hungry. Very hungry.
Nothing was really extraordinary about her and she liked it that way. She had friends and she was on the teacher's good sides. All her teachers. Of course she would be, because she needed to, if she wanted a scholarship that is. Her obsession with art and artists was unhealthy, and would take her nowhere, but she couldn't help staring at the artistry. Some people were masterpieces for her, but she felt like a useless piece of paper, empty and flimsy against the wind.
She also was hungry.
➹Any ritualsbefore/after/duringwriting? None. I guess only if you count the fact I always write around 1-5 AM, but that's more of a weird habit.
➹Favorite fic towrite? Definitely 'Aeternum' or 'The Upcycle Club'.
➹Any writersyouadmire? Generally speaking, Hemingway will always be someone I look up to. But here on Wattpad, I'll say amenramen is someone I admire a lot, based on writing style only.
➹Number ofwordsyoucanwriteinonehourifyou'rereallyfocused? 1000? I've never really timed this. I edit, read and edit again during that time so it might be less.
➹First pairing/plot? Yewook. Vampire story. Hahahaha, it was the worse thing ever.
➹Inspiration, timeormotivation? Inspiration. If I have inspiration then nothing will stop me. Not the place, not the time and certainly not the amount if motivation.
➹Why write? Because breathing sometimes becomes too hard to speak the words; and singing is not always there to do.
➹Plan towriteanythingotherthanfanfics? Poetry. Songs? Words. All I want is the words.
➹What inspiresyouthemost? The beauty of the impossible. The dreamers. The open windows. The familiar, yet strange smell. The shiver that comes with a musical connection. The smile that comes before he tears. Being human inspires me the most.
➹Strangest thingyou'vewritten/thoughtofwriting? A Pancake-Kink Mingyu Drabble. Wild title.
➹A fanficyouwishyouwrotebetterandwhy? Aeternumcould have been much better. Return Ticket too.
➹Favorite fanficfromanotherauthor? None. I love them all in one way or another.
➹Guilty writingpleasure? Metaphors for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
➹Do youplanbeforewritingorjustmakeitup? Make it up as I go. Every time I plan something I realize that it's not what I want, but what others expect. I like being random like that.
➹Are youafastwriter? It takes me a whole month to write one bloody chapter. Flash, eat your heart out.
➹How oldwereyouwhenyoustartedwriting? Eight. I still love that concept. I even remember how I did it. I wrote in Power Point.
➹Why startwriting? Because I was the ponytailed nerd who needed a fantasy world to keep her anchored.
➹Six sentencesfromaworkyou'reproudof? I didn't count them, but I felt them... Good enough?
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