I was tagged by the sweet and adorable Kai @SLEEPMIN to answer the following questions so--
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
My favorite animal is a tiger or a fox. I think they're both powerful in their own way (plus my school mascot is the silver fox, GO FOXES!)
My favorite colors are naval colors. Red, White, Black and Blue. Though lately I've been really liking pastel colors and branching out...
My ULT group is Super Junior because they have a reserved space in my heart and biasing list. When our dear leader Teukkie left for the military I made the promise to stand by the group until all the members were back, and I am still keeping that promise! My second ULT group is Seventeen, and then Beyond The Scene.
My ULT bias is Hansol and I think it's pretty obvious considering my username, my bio, my icon and the book titled Aeternum--
Sadly I haven't seen or been to any k-pop related events... I was hoping to see Seventeen in Dallas this year, but I have no money nor means to travel there...
My favorite song has been You and Me by Lifehouse for years, but if we're talking Korean music I think that would be X by Code Kunst ft. Lee Hi (But I change all the time-- so by tomorrow it's probably going to be 20 by SVT again.)
I think your profile is adorable! The theme is so cute and it's very aesthetic in general, I like the pink and the way you organized your bio. (Plus I'm there so ❤)
The only thing I could possibly dislike is you saying you're not relevant because you really are AND the fact that I haven't message-board-spammed you yet.
My lock screen is one of the teaser pics for DWC.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
And my home screen is this random picture that I took when my sister and I went out, but it's only temporal-
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
So yeah... I don't know who to tag but this is it-- @evilseok and @XIUSUAL do et.
My questions are:
1. If you had to describe me as a character, how would I be personality-wise?
2. Your fav genre to write.
3. If you could travel in time when and where would you go, and why?
4. What's your fondest memory of our friendship?
5. Type of books you read the most.
6. Red or Velvet concept for RV?
7. Non-mainstream songs that you recommend from KPOP?