+first everything tag

18 6 3

I) First ever k-pop song?
Love In The Ice - DBSK. That song is probably still one of my favorites tbh.

II) First ever k-pop group?
Super Junior! First and last, forever. (It was also the first group I ever bought merch of.)

III) First ever bias?
Kim Heechul, Heenim, Heesica, Lady HeeHee, Cinderella, however you want to call him.

IV) Last song you listened to?
Everybody - SHINee, because I really love SHINee.

V) Most recent stan?
NCT- I refused to stan them for SO LONG because I am stubborn like that and I didn't want to like them because I know I would end up watching a lot of shows about them??? But here I am-

VI) Most recent bias?
Yuta I guess????? I mean, Taeyong was my bias since Rookies but lately I really like Yuta????? Why?????

I tag:

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