8th Chapter

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8th Chapter
8 moths pregnant

Previously on 'Bade's Daughter':

"That's a little excessive, don't you think?" Tori said.

"Trust me, it isn't not even a little excessive." Beck said "She usually gets revenge."

"See Vega? If you knew me as half well as he does you would know that." Jade said.


"I'm not hungry." Jade said.

"But you have to eat Miss, the baby needs vitamins." the nurse said.

"I deal with her. You can go." Beck spoke grabbing the bandage from the nurse's hands.

"Yes Sir." the nurse replied and left.

"Can you guys leave us 2 alone?" Jade asked.


"I just want to get out of this Hospital." Jade sighed.

"I know." Beck replied.

The days passed by and for Jade it looked like years.

She was finally getting out of that Hospital.

"Finally I'm getting out of this place." Jade said as Beck leaded her to the car.

A old woman stopped in front of them and said "Congratulations for the baby. Is it a boy or a girl?"


As they arrived she saw the portraits of them two she had left in her house on the walls of the RV and on the tables.

"What's going on?" Jade asked confused.

"You're moving in baby. This is our RV. Say goodbye to your parents' house." Beck spoke.

"I love you." she said.

"I love you too." Beck replied pecking her lips.


"It's okay." Jade replied and he picked up the call and sat on the bed, gestured with his hand for Jade to go to him and she walked over to him and sat on his lap.

'Dude, there's an audition for a role in a new movie. It's near Hollywood Arts.'
'Really? Thanks for telling me.'
'No problem bro.'

He hung up the phone.

"So?" Jade asked curious.


"Hey! I brought Tori." Cat said.

"Why?" Jade said.

"I don't know." cat replied.


"Watch my favourite movie." Jade replied.

"Please something else. I don't like horror movies, they're scary." Cat spoke and Jade laughed evilly.

"But it's what's it's gonna be." Jade said getting up and putting her favourite movie, The Scissoring, playing.

As the movie played Cat and Tori got scared lot of times and were hugging each other, which made Jade laugh plenty of times.

"C'mon it isn't even scary!" Jade said right when the scariest part was about to begin.


"Kill her already!" Jade shouted and Cat got scared just by Jade's yelling at the movie.

"You're crazy and psycho." Tori said.

"I know Vega." Jade said with a evil smile.

Now on 'Bade's Daughter':

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