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Gee absolutely hated mornings. Most people did, but Gee most definitely had a profound disliking for that time of day. The only things that got her up and out of her cave (bedroom) was the coffee her younger brother Mikey would make for the both of them before school.

Ah, school. Did you know that school is actually spelled H-E-L-L? Yeah, Gee's least favorite part of each morning, save the weekends, was school. It wasn't that she didn't like learning or thought the work was too hard-- it was the stares. People always stared at her. Some made crude remarks. Some flipped her skirt up so people could see what she really had under there. It didn't happen often, but when it did, it made her want to puke.

Okay, so Gee was trans. Big whoop. Well, to the kids at her high school, it was most definitely big, but more along the lines of a big abomination, sin, etc. To say that Gee's high school was conservative was quite the understatement. They all despised her because of her gender. Most of them, at least. There were a few like Ray, Ryan, and Mikey (though Gee tended not to count Mikey because they were siblings) who actually cared about her and were her friends. They were all as close as could be, and all accepted Gee for who she was. A girl.

Now, being a stereotypical teenage girl, Gee loved Tumblr, coffee, and the local punk boy who was totally aesthetic af. He also happened to be popular af, so there wasn't really any hope for our poor heroine. Every girl fawned over Frank (Mr. Popular Punk Boy) and his rugged exterior, making him practically untouchable to someone like Gee-- the transgender loser.

The only reason Gee could actually stand going to school five days a week was her art class. It was the only class where she could be in her own little world and just do what she loved without distraction. The teacher, Mr. Urie, didn't actually know much about art, but he was kind and tried his best, often finding new projects on Pinterest (though he'd deny the fact that he had over 5,000 pins to his grave). He also played music from the classic rock station on his radio in class everyday, so that was pretty cool too.

Gee always kept to herself, excluding the time in between classes and at lunch where she'd be with her few friends, so bullying wasn't too bad. Honestly, she wasnt really slammed into lockers or beat up much-- she was mostly just ignored.


Gee plopped down in her chair that resided in the corner of the art room and tossed her messenger bag to the ground beside her. She sighed quietly and gathered up her remaining spirits, opening the bag that now lay next to her old, plastic chair. She rifled through it until she found her pencils, pulling them out and placing them all in front of her. She counted them to make sure each one was there before getting up and grabbing her current project from the racks next to Mr. Urie's desk.

She brought the large sheet of paper back to her desk and studied it, thinking of where to begin. She had already started on the project; it was going to be a colored pencil drawing of her little group of friends, except they were all cut off at mid-torso in a way that made it look like the colors were dripping, almost as if they were made of paint. Gee was currently working on the preliminary sketch and outlines.

She had just started working on Mikey's nose when the door opened. It scared her a bit, causing her to jump in her seat. Luckily, she didn't mess up her drawing-- she would have been pissed. She looked over to the source of the interruption and almost started having heart palpitations. Frank Iero-- the Frank Iero-- stood right there, looking around the classroom with his eyebrows furrowed. His face lifted when he saw Mr. Urie, and he began walking towards him. They had a brief discussion, then the flamboyant teacher stood up, addressing the class.

"Alright, kiddos," he announced, "this is Frank, and he'll be joining our class this year!" Some of the girls looked like they were about to faint. They just couldn't believe that Frank Iero would be in the same close vicinity as them. We're not going to mention the fact that Gee was one of those girls. Whoops I just mentioned it.

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