I F***** up, okay. I'm Sorry [Part 1]

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My arms reach above me, grabbing onto the headboard as I give a content groan. The bones in my back making a loud pop as I groan again, reaching over to the night stand and grabbing my phone.

"That's disgusting" Comes the syrupy voice to my right. Those brown eyes peering up at me behind the blanket.

"I can't remember asking if you cared" I smirk. Laughing when she gives an annoyed huff.

"Bitch" She grumbles with a glare, making a big show to turn around; her back facing me.

Laughing again I abandon my phone and throw my body over hers, pulling the blanket away from her iron grip, grinning playfully in her face.

"Aww, come on babe" I pout

"Go away"

"I'm sorry" I tease. Straddling her when she tries to turn back around. Bringing her wrists in my hand I pin them to the bed. "I'm sorry miss grouchy. But no need to be mean because you went out last night and got hammered. I told you to stay home"

This time it's her turn to smirk at me. Dark eyes traveling over my blue lace panites and plain white shirt I'm wearing. "You know, I quite like this position"

With rolled eyes I release her wrists, climbing off her. "Go get in the shower, you have a photoshoot today"

She chuckles quietly but does as I say, throwing the blanket off her and revealing th black panites she only wore to bed. She leans over, kissing me on the mouth quickly before she grabs her towel and walks into the bathroom.

I sprawl back onto the bed. Picking up my once forgotten phone, frowing when I turn it on there a ton of notifications and a few messages from my friends.

Ignoring the messages I go straight to twitter. #kendalljenner is the first thing I see at the top of world wide trending list.

Going to my news feed I freeze. @enewsKendallJenner looking cozy with the lovely Lily Aldridge. Click here for photos and videos!

With a hammering heart and shaking fingers I tap on the link. My face falling as I watch as my girlfriend kisses Lily Aldridge, her hands running over the girls body as Lily tangles her hands through my girlfriends hair.

I replayed it over and over. The video making me sick to my stomach. I wanted to forget I ever saw anything. I wished I had ignored the video, never saw the betrayel.

But it did, the proof right here in the video. The evidence was right in front of me. And there was nothing I could do that would convince me otherwise.

I knew I had to leave this apartment, get away and not look back.

Quickly I hop out of the bed, grabbing the first pair of my pants I see strung over a chair.

Snatching a duffle bag I quickly go to the closet, stuffing random clothes and shoes into it. Walking out I take my lap, and phone charger stuffing those in a bag also.

Sliding into my converses I grab the duffle bag and slide it over my shoulder. Grabbing her phone on the nightstand I go straight to twitter, leaving it on the E News website; placing the phone in the middle of her pillow.

With no hesistation I leave the room and travel down the hallway to the front door; pulling it open just as Kendall calls my name.

I close the door making it a point of slamming loudly as she says my name once more. Her voice getting closer as she walks down the hall.

Making my way quickly to the car garage, sliding into my white BMW just as my phone begins to go off. Kendalls name splashing brightly across the screen. Not hesistating to hit ignore I back my BMW out of the parking spot and drive onto the street as my phone goes off once more, this time from Khloe.

With a large sigh I answer, putting it on speaker.


"Hey, Y/N"

"What do you want, Khloe?" I snap

"Kendall just called me. She's in tears"

". . .okay?" You say slowly "Why are you telling me this?"

"Listen, sweetie-" She begins only to have me cut her off.

"No, you listen" I say rudely "I gave her everything. And that still wasn't enough. I know you saw the video, and I'm done. I will not be humilited and lied to, fuck that shit. I have nothing to say to her. She cheated on me. And in public to. All of you guys can just leave me the hell alone."

"Now, wait Y/N-"

With a push of a button her voice is gone. Only to be replaced by the frantic texts of my ex-girlfriend.

Y/N, please baby. I'm sorry

Just answer your phone, please

Come back so we can talk about it

Can you at least tell me where you are? I'm freaking out here

I want to explain. Please Y/N, just let me explain

Please just come home. I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry

Placing your phone in the cup holder you drive your way to a hotel, your phone continuing to go off with phone calls and text messages. Turning the sound down you make your way into the hotel and pay for a room.

Sinking into the soft bed as soon as I place my duffle bag on the carpeted floor of my room. Taking my phone out of my pocket I look and see Kendall is calling once more.

"What do you want?" You answer boredly

"Y/N?! Baby, please come home. Let me explain" She says frantically into the phone.

"Did you kiss her?"

". . .y-yes but it-"

"You cheated. There's nothing to explain. We were together for 4 years. 4 fucking years Kendall. Then you went off to fashion week and cheated and you didn't have the deceny to tell me about it. Fuck you" I yell into the phone

"I know, I know and all I can do is apolgize. Babygirl I'm sorry" She cries, coming apart over the phone.

"We're through. Don't call me, text me, or tweet me. I want nothing to do with you"

"No! Wait baby-"

Pressing the red button I silence her excuses. The tears burning against my closed eyes, willing myself to move on.


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