"Have a Great Night" [Request]

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[For ReverseMisfit, I hope you like it babes]

You feel her body stiffen. Your arm wrapping itself around her waist, strong perfume assaulting your nose.

"Y/N, Kendall!" Yells the paps, cameras clicking a million miles a minuet "Look over here"

"Who are you wearing?"

"Will there be a wedding in the future?"

"Y/N, is it true and you're pregnant?"

"Kendall, what about these cheating rumors about Y/N and Eric?"

You feel her stiffen, your hand giving her hip a squeeze and you glance her way quickly.

With an eye roll she removes herself from your hold. "Why don't you ask her that"

With a syrupy smile she continues down the red carpet, not bothering to stop for anymore pictures.

"Kendall" You call, following after her; hand sliding into hers as you follow her lead into the premire. "Kendall, come on. Talk to me"

"What do you want me to say"

"What you're feeling would be helpful"

"I'm pissed off, Y/N" She tells you, backing you into an isolated corner of the theatre "This shit is annoying, it's constant and I'm tired of it. People need to know who you belong to"

"I know and I'm sorry but-"

"Y/N? Damn baby, you look gorgeous"

You both turn your attention to the interruption. Her eyes narrowing into slits as her gaze falls onto the smirking blonde haired man. Licking his lips as his eyes run up and down your body.

"Eric" She greets through clenched teeth.

"Oh, Kendall" He says bordely "Didn't know you were going to be here"

"Well she is my girlfriend"

"That's not what the magazines are saying" He taunts

"You stupid little-" She start, only to get cut off when you grab her arm and pull her away

"Go to hell you stupid fuck" She yells over her shoulder. Not caring about the workers staring at the both of you.

She stops, pulling herself from your grip "That's what I'm tired of Y/N" She yells, hands balling into fists

"Well I'm sorry but what do you want me to do?! You're being stupid about this. You don't see me getting jealous everytime you're photographed with Bella or Gigi"

Her mouth opens before she snaps it closed, eyes narrowing dangerously. She grips your arm and beings to drag you.

"Kendall, get off me" You hiss, trying to pull yourself from her hold as she continues to drag you "Get off"

She ignores you, pulling you into a bathroom. Slamming the door and locking it.

She spins on you, her eyes darker as she glares at you.

"Kendall, what the fuck? Let me out"

"Shut up Y/N"

You open your mouth to say more but she flings herself at you. Pushing her lips against yours, lifting you onto the counter top.

"Fuck you, Kendall" You moan as her lips find your kneck, biting at the exposed skin there.

"Gladly babe"

You go to say something but her lips find yours once more, pulling you into a deep kiss as her one hand finds the straps of your gown. Pulling down the black material; revealing your breasts.

"Fuck" You groan against her lips, arching your back. Two of Kendall's fingers finding your center, burrowing inside. Pumping into your innermost region; fingers becoming drenched.

Leaning forward, Kendall takes a pert nipple into her mouth, your moans becoming louder as you clutch her shoulders; her thrusts becoming faster.

"Kendall" You moan, head lulling to the side; legs opening wider.

"What are you doing" You ask, eyes opening when she removes her fingers from your buring center.

She says nothing as she gets on her knees, hands pushing the material of your dress around your hips. Hands roughly grabbing your thigs and pushing them open wider.

She buries her face inbetween your thighs, a groan slipping past your lips as you cluth the top of the counter.

Kendalls' tongue ravages your sex, flicking and licking around your clit as her hands hold your quivering thighs open.

"Kendall" You gasp out "Fuck, Kendall. My God"

Your hands dart out to grasp the back of her head, your legs twitching uncontrollably "Fuck, I'm close" You moan, your back arching.

She sucks your center into her mouth, tonguing your rosebud. Her eyes coming up to meet yours as you come undone.

Your body becomes ridgid before shuddering and spasming.

"Oh fuck"

She pulls away, licking you off her lips as her mouth meets yours.

"I want you to moan my name when you come this time; I want everyone to hear it" She demands, lips meeting yours again.

She pulls your body against hers, one arm locking around you in a kiss, the other hand cupping your sex.

You break the kiss to cry out as Kendall begins working two long fingers in you, curving them to hit against your g-spot.

"Shit, my God Kendall"

You were incoherent as the sounds of fingers working against your sex fills the large bathroom.

Kendall goes harder as your hips rock back against Kendall's fingers.

You moan louder as Kendall slides another finger in your center, your breath raggedly as you moan her name.

"Come on baby" Kendall says into your ear "Tell everyone who you belong to"

When her mouth claims your nipple once more as her fingers work harder you become undone.

You moan out her name as you shudder, arms and legs wrapping against the slim girl; pulling her closer as Kendall continues to work your center. Forcing another orgasm to follow the first.

You're pliabale when she finallys pulls her fingers out, your sweaty head leaning against the bathroom mirror as you try to control your breathing.

"Fucking hell"

Kendall pushes her lips against yours once more before helping you off the counter.

Your body rubbery as she fixes your dress for you. Smirk on her face as she watches you "You have the perfect just fucked look"

"Shut up, Kendall"

"Are you good?"

"Yeah, I'm good"

She wraps her arm around your waist, pressing a quick kiss to your neck before unlocking the door and stepping out.

Immedietly coming face to face with a shocked, Eric.

Fake smile gracing her pretty face "Hope you have a great night"

[Wellllll damn]

[Babes, I hoped you liked it]


Kendall Jenner Preferences [Interracial/BWWW]Where stories live. Discover now