Be Happy

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Look, I know things are hard, but just, keep moving. Don't care what the others say. What people have done to you doesn't define you. Yes, it is really hard to not let what is say around you and the people you love to effect you. Please, try to remember that what everyone is because of they are trying to deal with their own crap and that it isn't personal. Even if they are doing it to have a reacting from you it is because they are unhappy, stressed, or just lonely.

Life is hard, and nobody is perfect, so we just need to deal with everything in a good way. The best thing you can do is just try not to judge others, after all every villain is the hero in their mind and if you don't know their full story, which by the way you can't, you have no reason to. After all, we don't need to be spreading the judgment that society already tells us that we are supposed to and by trying to do so you are helping yourself see people differently, not in a way that the reason they act that way towards you, and in general, is because of something you did. I know this may seem like bullshit advise, but for the people who figure out what I'm trying to say, I hope this helps. All we can know is our own lives and that can be very hard to understand. Just realize that by letting it have an effect on you is allowing them to upset you. You don't have to let it upset you, I know that is a hard thing to think about, let alone actually use it to help you, but if you let it and just try, you will feel a lot better.  

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