Chapter Ten

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The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want

Sisi walked into a Church for the first time in years, anxiety filling her. She wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for Tia and Andrew who insisted she should visit even if it was for one Sunday. Andrew had become an unavoidable part of their lives; from painting their walls to having dinner to being an actual friend. This Sunday was special for him; it was the first time he would preach as an ordained minister on a Sunday morning. After weeks of pleading, she had finally accepted to go and sit through a long sermon.

Taking a back row seat with Tia, she went through the usual Sunday service motion. During the time of the worship, she didn't know most of the songs that were sung but she recognized one; What a Friend we have in Jesus. She had sung this song years ago in Sunday school with the other children. As they sang the song, she listened but didn't sing along.

After the time of the worship, Andrew mounted the podium. He looked extremely handsome and smart in his black Suit. His green eyes was a fine contrast to the Suit and the lights in the Auditorium reflected against his eyes. He introduced himself and his message and began to preach.

“The Lord is my Shepherd paints a perfect picture of a helpless sheep needing the comfort, protection, provision, defence, healing and correction of his Shepherd.” He spoke, his eyes scanning the Auditorium and coming to rest on her. He smiled at the sight of her and she smiled in return. “We weren't created to survive without our Shepherd” He was saying as she shut her mind to his message. She had survived long enough without a Shepherd and had come this far without him.

She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep. At the end of the service, she made her way out of the building with Tia.

“Sisi!” Andrew ran after them. They stopped in their tracks and he reached them. “Hi, thanks for coming” He smiled. “Tia!” He turned to Tia and gave her a bear hug. “Thank you for not falling asleep on me” Knowing his comment was directed at her, Sisi bowed her head in shame.

“I'm so sorry” She admitted. She hadn't thought he would notice and she didn't mean to fall asleep, it just happened.

“You know, you have to make it up to me”


“How about a date?” He asked and Tia squealed. Sisi glanced at Tia, annoyed.

“Um...” She didn't want to sound rude by rejecting him but she couldn't accept his offer either.

“Of course it's a yes!” Tia chirped.

“Tia!” Sisi faced her. “Excuse us please” The teen murmured but obeyed. She faced Andrew. “I don't know. Can I think about it?”

He smiled and nodded. “Take your time. We are just going to get ice cream and see a movie though, it is not a big deal. I'm a boring person so I have nothing special planned. ”

“I'll think about it” She offered, turning away from him. “Tia, let's go!”

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