Ch. 15

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*20 minutes earlier*

Josh waited in the auditorium, hearing a few people chatting behind the curtain, but paid no mind to it. He had Tyler's present in his hand, wrapped in nice wrapping paper and was trying to hide his excitement.

Today, he was going to ask Tyler out. He wanted to take him on a date. He guessed that the last few birthdays Tyler had weren't that great, and he wanted to take him to the beach and walk on the boardwalk while eating ice cream together.

It probably wasn't the most extravagant idea, but he was sure Tyler would love it, because Tyler was Tyler, and he seemed to love everything Josh showed him, and that made Josh happy.

He heard a door open, and assumed it was Tyler, so he smiled and frowned right away, seeing it wasn't the door. He jumped, turning and saw Jade there, holding a packet of paper and had a smile on her face.

He then heard a door close, and figured it was the people he heard earlier leaving. Josh looked up at Jade, asking, "Um, no offence, but could you leave? I'm meeting someone here and he should be coming any minute now."

Jade frowned, "Why don't you like me?"

"It's not that I don't like you," Josh sighed, hiding his annoyance. He didn't like being mean, he felt guilty when he hurt someones feelings. "It's just that I'm not attracted to girls."

She let out a snort, and smile slightly, "So, it's not just me?"

"It's anything that wears skirts," He nodded, smirking slightly. However, if Tyler did wear a skirt, he was sure he'd love it. And now Josh was getting kinky and needs to stop thinking those thoughts. He looked at the papers in her hands, asking, "What are those for?"

"Oh, I'm doing a play, Romeo and Juliet," She said, motioning to the title. "I don't think I'd get it though. I suck at acting."

"I bet you're a great actor," He retorted, then got up and grabbed her hand, helping her stand as well, since they were both sitting during the talk. "Here, let me help. What scene do you have to read?"

"Scene 5," She said, and he took the packet, flipping through the pages.

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand. This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand, to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss," Josh said, putting on a deep, low voice and wiggled his eyebrows at Jade.

She blushed, and took the paper, saying awkwardly, "This is the kiss part.

"Then if a kiss is what thy want, a kiss is what thy gets!" He said, winking. Josh leaned down, since she was a bit shorter, and pressed his lips to hers, she was shocked, but responded quickly.

It was short, but still about 4 seconds long. Josh pulled back, and Jade took the script, shaken by the kiss, "Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, and palm to palm is a holy palmers' kiss."

"Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?" Josh gasped, acting shocked.

"Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer." Jade said.

"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair." He replied, and grinned, "See? You're a great actor. Now, go practice more okay?"

She nodded, and waved goodbye and headed off.

Josh noticed the time, and was shocked that about 5 minutes passed. He sat on the stage, and watched the door, waiting for Tyler. And 10 minutes went by, then 20, and Josh frowned, looking at his watch.

He thought maybe Tyler forgot where the auditorium was and that he was trying to find it. But, then the bell rang and Josh was a bit hurt when he didn't see a brunette boy pop up.

His eyes glazed over in tears, but he blinked them back and ignored the pain in his chest, deciding to talk to Tyler in class, and ask if he's okay. And when gym rolled around, and he didn't see Tyler, he was worried.


The next day, Josh waited by Tyler's locker, and when he saw the boy walking toward him, he instantly let out a breath of relief. Tyler looked up and saw Josh, face instantly showing hurt and sadness.

Josh asked, "Where were you yesterday? I wanted to give you your present....and-and take you out."

Tyler stiffened at the word. Out. So many things could be assumed when saying this word, and Tyler was sure Josh didn't mean the one he was thinking. He spoke, not looking up from where he was unlocking his locker, "I had to go."

"Go where? Out of school? You missed the last two classes, did something happen?" Josh questioned, trying to make Tyler look at him.

Before he could continue ignoring the redhead, the bell rang and Tyler walked away, not even saying goodbye. Josh was hurt, very hurt. He likes Tyler and he thought things were okay, but when he went to lunch and didn't see the brunette boy, he was devastated.


When french came around, Josh was happy to see Tyler sitting in his seat. He was ignored, like usual. But, when the bell rang and it was time to go to the next class, Josh rushed out and chased Tyler down, grabbing his hand, "Please, wait!"

"No," Tyler protested, trying to escape the grip Josh had on him. He struggled, and snapped at the boy, "Leave me alone!"

People glanced at them, but weren't paying much mind and tried heading to class. Josh grabbed Tyler's arms, and dragged him away from the middle of the hall and pleaded, "What's wrong? Why are you acting like this? Did something happen?"

"Yes, something did happen," He whispered bitterly, ignoring the redheads concerned gaze.

Josh nodded encouragingly, "Okay, what? Did I do something? If I did, I can fix it." When Tyler nodded, Josh frowned, "I'm sorry, what did I do?"

"The kiss," Tyler replied nervously, tugging at his sleeves, the habit Josh saw when he first met him. Josh's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, so he continued quietly, " kissed her! Why did you kiss her? And you knew I was coming? I-Is that the surprise? 'Oh, by the way Tyler, I'm straight! just thought you'd like to know' If it was, then thanks. I got the message."

It was a slap in the face, seeing the hurt look in Tyler's eyes, because Josh didn't even know Tyler saw.

"I'm so sorry, I ... I was helping her practice," He tried soothing, but Tyler's face was proof he used the wrong words.

"Practice?! Practice for what? Are-Are you helping her kiss? She's a slut, she doesn't need help! Thats a terrible lie, just tell me the truth! I like you Josh, I like you a lot and you could have just rejected me, but apparently you decided to do it the hard way." He mumbled bitterly, shaking his head in shame.

Josh didn't know how to respond, he was at a loss of words. He didn't know how to prove that he was telling the truth, because he doesn't blame Tyler for not believing him. The story was far-fetched and he simply said, "Please, Tyler I'm telling the truth. I was helping her with her role, she's trying out for a play. There was a kiss in it, I promise. Jade means nothing to me. I like y-"

"Josh!" They turned and saw Jade smiling, and waving. She rushed over and grinned at him, kissing his lips so quickly, that he couldn't respond. "I had a great time yesterday, Romeo. I'll call you tonight, so we can do it again?"

Josh's eyes widened, and Tyler looked at the two of them, tears falling rapidly down his cheeks and he rushed off down the hall, hiding his tears. Josh glared at Jade, "You bitch! Why did you do that?"

Before she could reply, Josh was chasing after Tyler. But, he couldn't find the boy, he groaned and slammed his fist against a locker, clenching his eyes shut, "Why am I such an idiot?"

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