Ch 5 - Pool Date

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Rias had everyone meet at her headquarters. Once everyone gathered around you all head to school pool. It was filthy. Green water, countless leaves, and who knows if anything was growing in it.

"So Sitri I left us in charge of the pool. But once it's clean we have a while for this to be all to ourselves. Sound like a plan?" Said Rias.

"Ya. Swimming pool. I live for the pool. I can't wait to see everyone undressed. I mean can't wait to get to work." Said Issei slipping up.

"Perv." Mocked Koneko angrily.

"Got you there man." You laugh.


After you change into your gym clothes so you don't care if they get dirty or not Issei found some trouble. Apparently he and Akeno were a little intimate while she was draining the dragon power from him. Rias was really jealous about it.

When they finally joined you for scrub duty thanks to you using brooms instead of doing it by hand it was done in less than an hour. Then it was pool time.

You and Kiba were the first ones to splash. It was a long time since you were able to swim but it was one thing you could never forget how to do. Issei was teaching Koneko and Asia how to swim and you were just taking a few long slow strokes. It made your body feel great.

Xenovia was taking extra time to put on her suit so she missed out on a lot of it. When Rias and Akeno got into a heated argument you met her by the locker rooms.

"Hey where you been Xenovia? You missed half the fun."

"Putting on this suit. Never worn one."

"Well you do look beautiful. But all that time for two pieces of fabric?" You wondered.

She sighs. "You're right. I've been doing some thinking. Can you hear me out?"

"Yes of course I can. Anything for you."

"I would like you to make a baby with me." She said bluntly.

"What!?" You cry.

She throws you in the pool closet. You slam into a case of boards and she closes the door behind her.

"You didn't give me any answer. I want to make a baby with you." She stepped towards you.

"A baby? Why so sudden and why me?" You ask starting to sweat.

"Now that God is dead and I'm no longer to the church I've felt an emptiness. It's like purpose was gone from me. I thought something that would replace that would be motherhood. Something I never thought until recent that I would ever have. I thought you would be a candidate because you are strong willed. The way you are determined, your mindset, and the way you carry yourself I admire."

She takes off her bathing suit top and sits on top of you.

"I'm sorry I don't have any experience with men. Just touch me. Please. Anywhere you like. All I ask is your seed inside when this is over."

You held her by her wrists. "Xenovia I can't go through with this."

She gasps. "Are you rejecting me?" A tear filled her eye.

"I'm sorry. But not like this. I thought you would feel similar to what I feel." You frowned.

She hugged you and her breasts were pushed against your chest. You blushed.

"What do you feel?" She asked.

"I love you." You said squeezing in the hug.

She gasps. "You mean you want to be in a relationship with me?"

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