Ch 7 - Together

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Hey guys I'll tell you how this happened. 11 pm at work on lunch I put the Update chapter asking what you guys wanted. I had no idea it would become this huge deal. Granted it's very hard because Xenovia is by far a confusing character but I jote down some notes and found a direction where to go.

Also I have an Irina one coming up which from what I have planned with my should be another one of my favorites.




So you and everyone get back home after that emotional damage at the bridge. Xenovia wrapped around you.

"You okay?"

"Better now. Although I don't know what exactly happened to my parents. I've been worse. No fears, no tears. Just cheers." You look up and smile at her. "Thanks Nova."

"So then how was your date before the bad episode?" Asked Rias.

"I enjoyed dinner. You (FN)?"

"No doubt in my mind." You hold Xenovia's hand. She happens to blush and not know it.

"Why does my face feel warm?" She asked.

"Blushing? Yeah. Me too."

She looks up and starts to feel warm. "So this is what empathy feels like?"

"Love Nova. Love."

"So this is love. Tell you what boyfriend. Do you wish to cuddle?"

You smile and kiss her. "Don't want to be rude. Night everyone I think we're packing it in."

"Night guys." Waved Issei.

You and Xenovia race to the room playfully. You beat her to the door knob and you look at her. She starting to started to act rather different.

Since you've known her she has been very confusing to figure out. But after the whole baby conversation and date she's been very girly. Instead of quiet, simple, and melancholy she's been giggling and affectionate. It was a sweet turn for her.

As you both got ready for bed as you face her under the covers. She has a shirt on since it's not bedtime and you just look into each other's eyes. Wondering who talks first.

"So how's it like being.... together?"

"It's nice having one of these things. Does this mean I call you boyfriend"?

"Refer to me as one yes. And I'll refer to you as my girlfriend."

"Wow. Wonder how everyone feels. Irina too."


"When I worked for the church she was my partner and best friend. I joined Rias after I found out the truth. I felt as if I needed new purpose."

"I felt the same living at the orphanage. But how about we set goals for ourselves?"

"Being what? Not quite sure I understand."

"We live our lives happy. Get to know the world better, enjoy things, and we take things slowly."

"I like your thoughts on this approach. I agree."

"Let's better ourselves and see if we can make this work."

"Shall we turn in?"

"Good idea. Want a proper kiss first?"

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