The Princess's Chambers: Scene. 3

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Princess Dortheen's Pov: Present Time

Awoken to a wush of wind beside my bed; It was the smell of fire and brimstone. "Hello." I call with a break in my voice; what was the feeling pressing through my chest: it was as If someone or something had just entered my chambers.

Then again a wush, and with a spin of my eyes I catch a serpent like tail disappear into the dark half of my bedroom: where the glowing moon did not shine. "Hello." I call once more, only to be met with a hiss and snort.

To my head broad I back, staring fixed on the darkness; afraid of what maybe hiding within it: though the feeling of curiosity invest the deepest parts of my mind, I can not muster enough courage to see what it is.

"Are you afraid my love?" A soft deep and smooth sounding voice asks; the voice sounded like that of a man: but also a snake. "Excuse me; how did you get into my castle?" I inquire with wide set eyes; who was this mythical creature, that had claimed me as his own.

"That is not important; but what is: is us my love." He spoke with a seducing and smooth lustering voice, as he steps foot from the darkness: his eyes meeting mine, with a fire and flame burning within them. "Get out!" I demand, as I jump from my bed to my feet: was he the devil, and was he here to take my soul.

With each step closer, his chiseled features showed more; his chest baring scars and strange tribal marks: his face and body seem to be flawlessly shaped, and his eyes as a ravening beast. "Help!" I shout from my bedrooms window, as the mythical being proceeds closer to where I stand.

"Stay away from me; I am the princess!" I shout; demanding him to keep his distance, but with a blink of my glossing eyes he vanishes. "My sweet daughter; what is it my Angel?" Spoke my father; as he anxiously enters my bedroom.

"Father!" I cry running to his warm embrace; he holds me close and asks "I heard you scream: did something happen." I bury my face against his chest and begin to weep. Then with a wobbling voice I spoke "It was just a terrible dream; that is all father. I am sorry I woke you."

"No, my dear; I am sorry I was not here. Now come on let's get you something to drink: you must be quite porched from all of that shouting." My father said, with a soft chuckling; as I wipe my eyes and put on a faint smile.

Out of the room my father led me, as I look behind me to see if it was real or if it was but a dream; but as we both are stepping out I see a golden glowing midst depart through my widow: it was real what I had experienced tonight; and even realer what I had saw.

To be continued....

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