Madison's Big News: Scene. 5

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Adam's Pov: Present Time

At my desk I sat; magnify glass in one hand and book in the other. "Are you busy my love?" A recognizable voice asks; so familiar I smirk: that nasally voice is unforgettable. "Not at all my sweetheart; come and ask me what thou desirest." I answer and allow her in: usually I am left alone here; she calls it my mystery room, cause its practically where I do all of my research and work on all my cases.

"Very well then; what is it?" I spin to her sitting in my office chair; she brushes a lost soft strand of her beautiful brown hair and glazes into my curious eyes. "I may have missed a female thing this mouth..." Madison spoke gesturing down below; I pause and squint both eyes: what on earth is she trying to gesture to me; I hope its not what I'm thinking.

"Adam, I have not been you know, umm..." With her same hand she gestures again to her lower half; I again squint my eyes, and then it dawns on my wandering confused brain: she must be talking about, what every women gets, on every mouth.

"Oh, you've missed a womanly event this mouth; so...?" I question sarcastically; she doesn't like it one bit, so with a swing of her hand she bats me on the tip of my nose. "So; we've been you know..., and I am just wondering if...well...maybe if." She struggles to say; each word fumbling out between her shivering rosy red lips.

"Uh...silence my dear. Now please calm down and let's try this again." I say holding up both hands high above my head; she takes a deep breath, so deep I could see the creases in her neck and the bones under her collar bone. "I think I maybe with child." She confesses, and then there was silence; then I set down my book and magnify glass, and lean back in my chair: just cupping my chin and glaring off into oblivion.

"Adam!, would you please say something?" Madison demands with a annoyed stare, and her arms now folded over her chest: I mean is she really baring my child, and if so; am I truly ready to be a father with the line of work I do. And if I give up my work; then how will I be able to provide for them.

" you 100% sure you are my dear?" I question, as she takes a seat on the edge of my office desk; she then looks down at her belly and then back to me."I am sure." She confirms with a authentic look of worry, yet enthusiasm.

"Alrighty then; did you see the doctors yet?" I inquire as I spin back around to finish my work: she steps around my chair and then leans her head down to me. "Can you at least stop working, just until we sort this thing out. I was pretty sure you'd have  more to say." She spoke with a firm tone and a brooding expression. "Yes, how foolish of me; come here my dear love." I scold myself, as I tug her to my lap; there she sat, secure and comforted. In my arms: she smells lovely today, though she smells lovely everyday.

To be continued...

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