The Offer Of Freedom: Scene. 7

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In my bed I lied, tossing and turning with the night; it was scary to be alone after what had happened that night.

And even though it has passed, I can still feel its presence here; he seemed to had left but did he really.

"I shall never leave you..." The voice from last night spoke calm and comely; I sat up on my bed, heart beating hard against my chest walls.

The smell of sulfur and brimstone filling my bed chamber again "You have returned." I whisper as a dove, low and soft.

"Yes." It answers me, his voice was that of a man's but his form; that of a god almost.

"What have you come back for?" I ask subtly; I know why he has returned and I know when he wants.

"The question you seek a answer to is one you already have answered yourself." He answers stepping from the shadows into the moons shine.

I gasp lowly under my breath as the moon casts a long eerie dragon shaped silhouette across the floors of my bedroom.

"What are you?" I ask in a whisper as he slowly gliding up to my bed.

"Your freedom." He whispers back smiling cunningly; his smile was almost hypnotizing in sight and beauty.

I have never been so drawn to a man before...but is he a man truly or a devil in disguise.

"I am a princess, I have no freedom." I answer as a knot forms in my aching lungs.

"If you come with me tonight; you will." He offers compellingly to my want and flaming desire.

I want to be free so badly, but at the same time I fear disobeying my father; the thoughts of my mind are my enemy, conflicting each thought with another.

"I can not...I am sorry." I refuse in a doubtful whisper as he glare deep into my eyes; it was almost as if he is reading my mind.

"You don't mean that; come." He insists leaning closer to my lips; I fluster bright red and look down to my bed.

"Why do you care so much?" I ask him with a slight suspicion towards his kind demeanor.

"Because I know what its like to be a prisoner, I know what its like to be a slave and I know how it feels to want freedom." He spoke to me in a whisper; I could see the vulnerability flooding his eyes and face.

"Fine..." I accept; ready to spread my beautiful wings and fly.

Maybe he is not as I had thought, maybe he is my angel in disguise.

"Do we leave now?" I ask with a hasty tone of voice; he smile softly and nods before walking to my bedrooms window.

"What are you doing, are you leaving me here; I thought we were going to runaway together." I say as I leapt from my bed and ran to him.

He glazes into my eyes and brush my cheek with his hand before diving out of the window.

"No!" I scream then cover my mouth; was he really gone and did he leave me here alone again.

Then with my listening ears I hear what sounds to be wings flapping in the wind; I quickly peek my head from my bedrooms window to see a great dragon gliding through the night's sky.

Was this what he looked like in true form; the golden dragon: he was.

"Is that you?" I ask before it flew down to my window and hovered.

"It is you...isn't it?" I ask glaring into its eyes; its him indeed: those eyes do not lie.

A anxious smile steals my face as I step out of my bedrooms window and down onto him; he blows a bit of smoke from his nostrils before taking off with me.

We fly amongst the stars and heavens of the blue night; above the lows of life.

I am free at last and forever more.

I shall never return home.

To be continued...

To be continued

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Adam Manes: The Great Dragon: Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now