Her Smile

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             His aviators  covered up the look of extreme agony that his eyes held. His slim yet, built, figure slightly shivered while his face lost all its color. Noticing these small things as she got out of the old yellow cab she decided right there and then not to tell him. She did not intend to worry him more then he already was. Checking her makeup one last time with the small mirror he had bought for her back when they were still in high school, she walked toward him as a model walks down a runway.

            Sure she was not the exact definition of beauty; her eyes were a simple black color and her hair wasn't long or curly, it was the exact opposite. Her height wasn't above or below the average. Her bone features didn't have any angles to them and her eyelashes weren't thick or long at all. Her figure was slim and it was probably the only thing she liked about herself. Yet he made her feel beautiful. Out of all the bad things she believed about her looks none of them were valid or even realistic whenever he looked at her.

            As she approximated him that well known feeling of warmth she would get with him grew and grew until she couldn't take it anymore and ran towards him. Stopping a couple feet behind him she walked slowly as to not warn him of her presence. Once she was right behind him she poked him in the stomach brushing her finger against his well-tailored uniform. He turned around slowly and his cheeks instantly turned a rosy pink color as all the thoughts he had had a second ago ran out of his head and were taken over by her. He took one look at her and was overwhelmed by the intense love he felt for her and had felt for her during all those years they hadn't properly seen each other.

            "Excuse me, sir...," she paused and scrutinized him before beginning again, "I am looking for, Captain Jay. He is supposed to be here and I have been anxiously waiting to feel the warmth, his sea green eyes radiate upon me." Her soft melodious voice and that grin that spread over her pale pink lips almost brought him down to his knees begging her for matrimony.

            "Rose..." he took off his aviators , composed himself and began again, "Why did you poke me."

            "Because I couldn't exactly punch you," she responded back with a grin.

            "You're very strange...unique...and mine," he spoke confidently while smiling down at her. Rose was taken aback. Her astonishment was visible while she had a very precious flashback. This was exactly how they had first encountered themselves in ninth grade.

            Rose knew this kid was new to the rifle team and he wasn't very good either. Yet she was resolute on helping him out and winning the upcoming district competition. The only person he would talk to would be their commander and only to ask him about the commands. Other than that he strayed from the group and avoided any type of contact outside of practice time. The thing was that the commander worried about him and he couldn't exactly focus on solemnly teaching him. The point is that, the day before the commander had begged for Rose, his second in command, to help Jay perfect his spin techniques along with his ability to take commands.

            Rose was paralyzed as she stood behind Jay. How was she going to begin the conversation? Should she just stand in front of him and start talking? She did the first thing that popped into her head and slightly poked Jay in the stomach hoping for him to turn around. He did so and looked down at her for she was about four inches shorter than him.

            "Clause, why did you poke me? He had addressed her by her sir name and that sort of annoyed her.

            "Because I couldn't exactly punch you."

            "You're very strange...unique...and someday...mine," his deep honey like voice addressed her.

            His lips curved into a smirk as he scrutinized her. Rose couldn't believe this guy. He was the epitome of a first class jerk. Maybe his rank could go from being a private first class, to a jerk first class.

            "We meet at 0500 today next to the JROTC trailer, we have practice."

            Politely, sweetly, and fakely she smiled at him and a second later stomped away from him as well as the lunch line. Walking away from the lunch line was one of the hardest things she had to do but she wasn't about to stay with him.

            When Rose came back to reality tears started forming wet paths along her cheek as she realized that she only had a couple of days or hours left with her beloved pilot. To cover up her reason for crying she stated the silliest thing.

            "I starved to death that day because of you, Jay. You should feel bad. I've missed you terribly."

            "I feel very bad about that my flightless bird, and I just hope this will make up for it." Forgetting about his well-tailored uniform and strictness he got down on one knee and took out a small maroon box with the name, Rosalyn Clause engraved on it with thick white calligraphy.

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