A Rosy Color

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"Rosalyn Clause, will you give me the great pleasure of calling you mine? Will you be my wife?" Painstakingly slowly he opened the small box and revealed the jewel within. The ring wasn't what made Rose's heart burst. It was the beautiful, bittersweet promises that came with them that she knew she would never be able to fulfill. It was the wonderful passionate dreams and elaborates plans that would forever only stay in their hearts and minds but never become solidified. Her heart longed to be able to say those sacred words, "I do," but it was also her heart that kept her from saying it. Rose wept sorrowfully remembering the doctor's words from last night and only a few hours ago.

            The loud whining noises and the flashing red and white lights warned the drivers to move. Everything had gone by so fast and before she knew it, Rose had dialed those three numbers that her mom had made her learn when she was just three years old. With a blank look in their eyes and a slight frown upon their faces the paramedics reassured her that everything was going to be alright. Doctor Roberts, tired and wise with knowledge was the one to painfully and sadly tell her about her present condition. Rosalyn enter wined her hands with the doctors hands for support and listened to him morbidly speak.

            "Miss Clause, your condition has terribly worsened. Your heart is failing to respond properly. I would advise you to stay at the hospital for more treatment, but," the doctor looked away choked up with his own words. "You only have a couple of hours. Miss Clause, you have known your condition for the past three years and I hate to say it but this...this could be the end." The Doctor knew strong emotions, surprises, or anything else could kill Rose right there and then and prevent her from living the next few hours next to her loved ones. Yet she had the right to know the predicament she was currently in.

            The tiny droplets that slowly started kissing her skin brought her back. Each warm rain drop was like a reassuring, "Shush, do not worry." So she simply decided not to worry anymore and she did not notice as the burning fire in her heart started once again. The fire hurriedly started devouring her whole being. Yet Rose stood strong and even though she knew what was happening within her she didn't feel it. It was as if she was outside of her body seeing everything take place. Without breathing or uttering a single word she stood towering him, wiped away her tears, and smiled that smile he loved so much.

            Jay looked up at Rose and saw her crying from happiness. She smiled at him and instantly he knew that all those years he had spent in service were going to be repaid by the years he was going to spend with her. This moment is what had kept him alive during battle.

            As she looked at the plane take off once again gracefully into the air with its wings wide open thrusting it up towards the gods, she knew it was time. It took all of Rose's remaining strength to bend down to Jay's level and whisper in his ear. Her pale lips and fragile body quivered terribly as she spoke.

"Whenever you're amongst the stars and so close to the sun that you can feel it breathe upon your face, remember me because I'll be right there with you...giggling and smiling as you soar above the sky as only a bird does. I'll be kissing your cheek with the sun's rays and illuminating your skies with the moons brilliant shine. Ill be the stars that fanthom your dreams. I lo..." Rosalyn painfully took in her last breath as her heart uttered its last pulse. The blood stopped flowing in her veins, and that rosy color her cheeks always held vanished.


You guys should really check out, "American Mouth, Flightless Bird" by Iron and Wine. It is Jay's and Rose's song and goes perfectly with the story.

So why do you guys think Jay nicknamed Rose, "Flightless Bird?" I'll give yall a hint; It was not because of the song and it has to do with Jay's job as a Naval Fighter pilot. Rose also kinda hints at it in the letter you guys read in the summary.

And do y'all have any guesses on what Rose wrote on her letter that not only made her sad but happy? Her explanation.... keep in mine Jay didn't know about her heart.

The Closest guess gets a dedication in the third chapter!!!

Please don't forget to vote you guys or comment. It would really mean a lot! I need to know if I should keep updating the sequel to A Timed Heart and your votes will help a lot. Thanks ~Lisz

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