Chapter One

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"What are you talking about?! You HAVE to go to prom!!" This beautiful brunette bitch yelled at me.

"I really don't wanna go though." I say trying to seem emotionless laying on my bed staring at her.

"You're seriously gonna make me cry from frustration right now. Why do you have to be so fucking stubborn?" She was rummaging through my closet looking for the dress I bought for prom. "Where the hell did you put that stupid dress Elizabeth you make me wanna murder your ass sometimes!"

"It's in a place where you will never find it." I gave her a devilish glare.

"UGH! Stop being so difficult!" She was tearing up my room but it was okay because I put it in the one place I know she'll never look. I just laid on my bed watching her go nuts. "If I was Bethy Bitch where would I hide my prom dress from my best friend? Hmmmmm..." She sat on the edge of my bed thinking and looking up hoping to brilliantly think of something. "...Somewhere where my best friend wouldn't think of looking..." Oh shit, I think she's up to something.

My eyes go wide and I look at my friend. "No." I say sternly. She dashes for my parents room and I run behind her but she's too fast. She opens my parents closet and there it is. The aquamarine dress I had been dying to wear.

"AHA! I FOU-EEEP!" As she got a hold of the dress I yanked her hair and we both fell backwards. She was on top of me. She struggled to get up but I held onto her light brown hair and didn't let go. "Liz, LET GO!"

"NO! YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME GO TO PROM!" She bites hard on my leg and I loose grip of her hair. She quickly gets up and takes the dress. "OW YOU BITCH! I think I'm gonna get a big ugly bruise!"

"HAH! That's what you get. Now...YOU ARE FUCKING GOING TO PROM!"

"What's it gonna take for you to leave me alone?" I asked in defeat. The only reason why I didn't wanna go to prom is because I didn't get accepted to my dream college. Why celebrate graduating high school when I wasn't gonna get to go to college of my dreams?

"I am not going to let you miss out on one of what might be the best nights of your life just because some stupid people decided you're not fit to go to their University. You're smart, hardworking, and a very strong student. So please, just put on the dress, get all dolled up so we can just go out and have a crazy night. You'll thank me later."

I clapped my hands slowly and smiled. "That is one wonderful speech Miranda McFinney. I was so moved by your words that I..." I paused and pretended to wipe an invisible tear, "I almost started to bawl my eyes out." I placed my hand above my heart dramatically and smiled at my bestie with sad eyes.

Miranda rolled her eyes frustratingly. "Sometimes, I wonder why you haven't starred in any Disney channel shows. You'd make a great actor."

"Haha, very funny." I said sarcastically. "But seriously, I hate you so much right now because I actually wanna go to prom now." I frowned at her.

Miranda shrieks and hops up and down. "YAY!" She yells as she runs to me and gives me a huge hug.

"You suck." I say not hugging her back.

"Honey, I love you too...shower time!" She says pushing me towards the bathroom door. "Hurry, hurry" I rolled my eyes and went to shower while she got herself all beautiful for the big night. When I was done she had already put on her dress and was now putting on her makeup.

"Someone looks marvelous for 6:30pm." I said as I walked into my room with my bathrobe on.

"Well, you gotta get ready early in case you need any extra time to fix anything later." She said without pausing from applying a max amount of mascara. Not too much to make her look like someone glued a big amount of rat fur on her face, like they used to do in the 18th century when there was no eyeliner invented yet. Miranda always knew how much makeup to apply. She loves that stuff. Even though I tell her she's beautiful already and doesn't need it. But you know girls and their makeup...

"Huh, smart." I said. I towel dried my hair before putting on my dress. Then I started to put on my makeup and shoes. Miranda had already forced me to do my nails with her the day before. "Just in case you change your mind." She had said. I blow dried my hair. It was natural black hair on top and dip dyed bottom half dirty blonde. Then I curled it with the wand. We were done getting ready by 8pm.

"I don't wanna be early to prom." I frowned and examined Miranda and I in the mirror.

"We look absolutely stunning." She winked at me. "Why tho?"

"It will be weird being the first ones there."

"Relax. Everything will go pitch perfect." She grinned. I don't wanna ruin her night so I will just go with whatever she wants. No negativity tonight. Tonight is our night.

"Alright, whatever you say Mimi." I grinned and hugged my BFF. "WAIT! We forgot something!"

"What?" She gave me a baffled look.

I smiled, "Perfume." I said sweetly.

"Life saver. A must have on an important night like this...see I told you. If you're ready early you'll have time for anything you missed or need to fix."

"Yes, yes. The smarts of little miss know it all of parties and festivities and...stuff." Even though it sounded like I was teasing Mimi she knows I mean it as a compliment. "Have I mentioned you look fabulous?" Miranda was one of the beautifulest girls I have ever seen. Like a famous tumblr girl or something. Not that I would know because I never bothered making a tumblr. She made her red dress look hot.

"Why thank you Miss Lizzy you look gorgeous yourself. Wait, I feel like we're missing something.."

"Hmmm, I really don't think so. Jewelry?"




"Hot dates?"

She laughed harshly. "What? We didn't plan that."

"I know it was a joke. I really don't know what we're missing though."

"Well, it was definitely not Hot Dates..." A gasp escapes her lips."I KNOW OUR PHONES!"

I laughed. "Wow, the simplest thing."

"Alright, lets go." She grabbed my hand and before we knew it we were out the door.

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