Chapter 6

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Today is the perfect day to be at the park. The sky is clear, the sun is shinning bright, and the air is crispy fresh . 

Walking hand and hand to the park bench, we take a seat and began talking more. 

I found out he is 21 and was apart of the early graduate class. His major was in English, which is my favorite subject, and he just got a job at one of the local high schools. He loves dogs and hates cats, typical for a guy right? His parents are wealthy doctors and  he has a younger brother and sister.




- Cory's POV -

Getting out of the car I walk over to her side I decided to grab her hand. Hopefully that wont make me seem like such a creep.

Grabbing her hand I felt the most electrifying shock ever. It felt as if fate has brought us together. But i don't believe in fate, do I ?

Looking down at her beautiful face I'm pretty sure we shared the same facial expression... SHOCKED! But then her shocked face turned into the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. 

We walked while still holding hands and found a park bench to sit on. We began talking to get to know each other a little more.

I found out that she is 17 and will be 18 in two weeks. Its a bummer that she is so young but I'll wait on her. Wait what am I thinking I may not be her type , hell she may already have a boyfriend.

I really need to control my thoughts. Anyways, she loves dogs, but her parents don't allow them inside the house and she refuses to have an outside dog.

Her favorite subject is English which is what i happen to major in.

She is a bit of a rebel and that is what i like most about her. She seems fearless but I know she's not.

She has an older brother named Jake that can be a little over protective.

And a bestfriend Skylar whom she adores. As she is telling me this I just sit there feeling hypnotized by those forest green eyes. 




- Jess's POV -

Talking to Cory felt like I've known him forever. He has a great sense of humor which I adore. Wait Jess don't get yourself carried away he is way to old and I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend. But for some reason I just feel so comfortable around him but I just met him. 

"Well its getting late I should get you home before your brother may wanna kill me" he says with a small laugh.

" okay ". the drive to my house was quiet but a comfortable silence. Arriving at home Cory parks along the street in front of my house and turns to look at me with those perfect green eyes that I adore. THAT YOU ADORE ?!?!?! Get yourself together Jessica. 

" I really had fun with today", He says with a smile.

" I did too." I say returning the smile.

" Maybe i can get your number and we could do this again sometimes" 

"I would love too" I said while giving him my number.

Walking into the house I am greeted with a very angry Jake.

" Where have you been, I've been calling you!" he barked.

" Chill, I was with a friend and my phone died." I said holding up my phone.

" Just make sure you call me next time and take your freaking charger with you"

I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen to find something to snack on. Settling with a bag of wavy lays chips and a sprite and walk out of the kitchen and up to my room.

I put my phone on the charge and opened my laptop and checked my Facebook. I have a few friend request and messages that i replied to. I browsed my news feed a little but nothing really was going on so i closed my laptop and belly flopped on my bed and check my phone. I had a few texts and notifications but one text from an unknown number stood out the most.

? . GoodNight Beautiful XOXO.

At first I didn't know who it was but then I thought and realized it was Cory.

Me- GoodNight Xoxo 

I changed my clothes and went to sleep with a huge smile on my face. I am so weird! 



- Well here's chapter 6 . tell me what you think 

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XOXO Colormebad_ 

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