Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 is here ! Enjoy :)




The drive to Blake's house felt like it took forever . I was just so anxious to see him .

Pulling up into his driveway it gave me butterflies. I hopped out of my car and began walking up to his front door. Just as I was about to knock there stood Mr. Graham all dressed up , we'll not exactly dressy but he looked nice.

He wore a light blue polo similar to my pink one , with light washed jeans and some tan Clark's . This guy is the total package.

" Well don't you look beautiful " he tells me as he slides over allowing me to walk through the door.

" You don't look to bad yourself " I reply with while stepping into his living room.

I was hit with the most extravagant smell ever .


That is one of my favorites next to pizza .

" It smells wonderful in here. I hope it taste just as good " I joked followed with a smile.

" I hope it does too. I don't know how to cook"

I gave him the most horrific look I could make . Did this guy really joke with my taste buds? How dare he !

" Never ever ever play with the most important thing in the world , that one thing that make the world go 'round "

"Which is?"

" FOOD!"

He shakes his head , I could of sworn I heard him call me fat under his breath but I was to eager to eat to even worry about it . I began walking to the table to have a seat and dig into this wonderful smelling food. I can almost feel the drool forming around my mouth. He has the plates already made and glasses of wine already set.

" I know that you are only 17 just don't tell anybody " he says with a smirk .

" I won't if you don't." I say with a wink.

We began eating and I must say the food was AMAZING , he can actually cook. I finished eating and cleaned off the table while Blake washed the dishes.

It was still a little early and I didn't want to leave.

" Wanna watch a movie ?" I suggested. Hoping he would say yes .

" Sure , I have a movie case in there pick out something to watch."

I walked over to the case and started to look through his movies. I'm shocked at the fact he had the whole twilight saga, most guys think that it's gay or just flat out boring .

Me on the other hand LOVE the saga and Breaking Dawn part 2 is my favorite movie, so of course I chose that.

I sat on the coach and began to get comfortable. Blake came in and took a seat next to me.

"Umm where's the popcorn?" I asked with a serious face

" You just ate." He said looking at me funny.

"And your point is ?"

" You are unbelievable." He said getting up to get popcorn

" And don't forget the drinks."

The movie has started and Blake is back with my popcorn and sprite. I am too happy!

As the movie progresses the popcorn started to get low and I was getting a bit sleepy. I rested my head on Blake shoulders and began dozing off.

Waking up from sleeping on Blake's chest, I hear my phone ringing and it was a call from Sky.

" You need to get here , Jake woke up and asked where you were and I don't know how much longer I can hold him off."

"okay I'm on my way and I'll deal with him once i get there."

Just as I hung up the phone , Blake started to wake up.

" what time is it?"

" 2:39 , I gotta get home and we have school in the morning."

" Yeah , I'm sorry for keeping you out , I bet your parent will kill you."

" It's my brother I'm worried about. "

" Oh yeah overprotective Jake."

I walked to the front door just as I was about to reach for the doorknob I felt his hand grab mine stopping me.

" Is this anyway to end a date?" he says with his face just centimeters away from mine.

" What do you mean?" I say just hoping he would kiss me.

He leans his head in closer than what it already was never once breaking eye contact , then he flicks his eyes down at my lips and back up to my eyes licking his lips.

I don't wanna make the first move or move at all ruining this moment . The only thing I can do is bite my lip nervously and look into his deep green eyes.

He removes the space in between us as his lips connect with mine. The most electrifying shock ran through my body but it felt amazing . Our lips moved perfectly together , it was as if they were made for each other.

He let out a slight moan which made me want to deepen the kiss, but I couldn't I really needed to get home.

I pulled away breathing heavy trying to catch my breath .

" I really got to get home."

"GoodNight beautiful."

" Night Blake."

"Awww you don't think I'm handsome?" He says fake pouting.

" I actually find you very attractive"

I give him one last peck on the lips and I walk out of the house and to my car and began to drive home .

Once I reached my house I walked into the house to be greeted by the anger Jake.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"I had a date and we ended up falling asleep, no big deal." I confess with a shrug.

"It is a big deal, I don't want my sister walking around being a whore and having people think they can do whatever with her."

"Well you may wanna check your girlfriend , she's worst then me."

I can not believe he actually called me a whore , but he's the one dating the school's number 2 whore.

"Don't bring her in this!" He says with a little anger in his voice.

"And now you take her side? Goodnight ."

I turned on my heels and marched up stairs. Sky was sound asleep on my bed so I change, put my phone on the charge and got into my bed.

Today was awesome, now I'm ready for school tomorrow.

And I started to drift off into a deep sleep.




Well here is Chapter 11 I know it's late 😔 . It's a bit short I just wanted there first date to be in a chapter by itself.

I just got an iPad and it's a little easier typing and posting new parts. Plus I'm off for spring break, hopefully I can get another chapter while I'm on vacation.

Thanks for all the reads and vote I really appreciate it .

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