Chapter 1

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"Girls go get ready! It's visiting day." Christina told us as she helped some of the little kids get dressed. I got on a white Rock N ROLL t-shirt and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and helped Emma pick something out.

I picked out a shirt that had a pink pig wearing a tutu on it and some jeans. I put her hair up in 2 pony tails and walked downstairs with her. People started to come in and look around while I walked into the kitchen with Emma.

"Emma sweetheart can you come with me?" Christina asked her holding out her hand when she came into the kitchen. She got up, grabbed her hand and left. I sat around till Christina came in. "Kayla there are some people here that are interested in adopting you." Christina said to me.

I hopped down from the counter and followed her. "Wait out her for a second." She told me before going back into her office. Emma ran over to me and I picked her up. "Hey! How's my favorite little girl?" I asked while she smiled at me

"Good." She grinned. "Kayla can you come in here please?" Christina asked. I put down Emma and told her I would be back and went in her office. I closed the door and froze. No. freaking. way. "Kayla. This is Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Perrie." Christina spoke and pointed to each person as she said there name while I just stared.

Zayn P.O.V.

Perrie really wanted to adopted a kid and so did the boys. Well when they heard about it. We decided to go to the orphanage and look at the kids.

"Hi I'm Christina. Can I help you?" A younger looking lady asked us kindly with a bright smile. "Yes. We were wondering if you had any girls around the ages 11-15" Perrie smiled. "Yes. We have a 13 year old names Kayla I can take you into my office and bring up her files." She offered gesturing us to her office.

We all followed her and cramped into the small space. "Okay Kayla is 13 years old. Her birthday is December 14. She came here 5 months ago when her parents both died in a car crash. And this isn't on her file but she is a big help around here and is so kind to all the girls here." She said smiling.

Perrie looked at us. "Would you guys like some time?" Christina asked. "Yes please." Perrie smiled. She got up and left. "She sounds like a lovely girl. What do you think boys?" Perrie asked. "I agree." Harry spoke up. We all agreed and Christina came back in. "I can go get her." She offered before leaving the room again.

She came back with a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes. "Kayla this is Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Perrie. They would like to adopt you." She spoke as the girl stood there not moving.

Perrie's P.O.V.

A girl with long blonde hair and blues stood there. She didn't talk. She must be shy. "Sweetheart are you okay?" I asked her. She looked shocked but nodded quickly. "Sorry she is just a big fan. Who's name is she going under?" Christina asked looking at all of us.

"Zayn. Do you want to?" I asked him. He nodded. "If you can follow me and fill out the papers." She said smiling.

Zayn's P.O.V.

I followed Christina out. "Kayla can be shy at first but when you get to know her she is very sweet and is out going." Christina said as I filed out the forms.

"Okay thank you Zayn. So your last name is Malik correct?" She asked and I nodded. "Okay, Great. Well let's go get here stuff." She said closing the door behind me and walked back down the hall into the room where everyone was. "Would you like to go pack your stuff?" Christina asked Kayla who nodded and quickly left.

Kayla's P.O.V.

IS THIS REAL LIFE?! I ran upstairs and into the room I shared. I started packing my clothes and all the stuff that belonged to me, careful not to accidentally grab one of the girls toys.

I went back downstairs and Emma ran up to me. "Kayla where are you going?" Emma asked. "Emma I am gonna miss you so much. But I'm leaving. And I know that you are gonna have a great family some day." I smiled trying not to cry.

"No, Kayla! I'm gonna miss you. You can't leave." She yelled hugging me. She had tears running down her face. I quickly wiped them away as stood up.

Harry picked up my bags and we all left. I hopped into the car next to Louis in the middle while Zayn and Perrie sat in the front and Liam, Niall, and Harry sat in the back. "Hello Kayla. I'm Louis. But I think you already know that. Your a fan right?" He asked and I quickly nodded.

"Now, we didn't know if we were adopting anyone today or what they liked so your room isn't ready. But we will start it as soon as you tell us what you like." Perrie smiled. "Okay that's fine." I said quietly. "She talks!" Louis screamed and I laughed a little.

We got to the house and Niall helped me with my bags and put them in the living room while everyone else went and sat down. I slowly followed behind and sat down next to Perrie. "So Kayla. Tell us about you. Favorite color what you like. It will help us with your room." Liam said grabbing a pen and paper and handed it to Harry

"Um well. I like red, black. Um anything would do, really. I'm not very picky." I said shrugging. "What about. Pink with ballerinas?" Louis asked. "Okay now that no. But anything else really." I told them.

My stomach started growling while Zayn was talking to Liam about something. I blushed, embarrassed and looked down. "Oh are you hungry Kayla?" Perrie asked. "

"A little but I don't want to be a bother and have you make me something." I said and she waved her hands.. "Oh no! I can go make something. Make yourself at home." She smiled getting up.

"Can we go to Nando's?!" Niall shouted. "Im so hungry!" He whined. "Niall you are always hungry!" Liam yelled at him laughing. "

"Do you want to go?" Perrie asked. "I guess I've never been there." I said. Niall got up and ran over to me picking me up as he through me over his shoulder.

"C'mon get in the car you guys. We need to get to Nando's fast!" Niall yelled running out the door and into the car. "Oh Niall." I heard Harry mutter shaking his head.


Okay Hii. Um let me know what you guys think. Um yeah I love you guys and thanks for reading! I don't think this story will be big or anything but this is my first fanfic so I'm sorry if its bad! Vote comment do what you want thanks!(:

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