Gnomes (johnny christ)

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I was in the garden just watering some flowers when I noticed a shiny rock on the ground. "Ooo shiny!" I picked it up and saw a key under it.

There was an outline of a door craved in a tree. "Hmm?" I opened it and was almost pulled in. I walked through the tree into a whole different world.

I looked around in awe. The grass was a beautiful bright green that smell so clean and fresh. The sky was a wonderful blue with no clouds in sight. Flowers grew taller then me and little mushrooms were on the ground.

Step on me

There was a note on one so I stepped on an orange mushroom and an adorable short gnome popped up.

"Hi I'm Johnny and I love you!" He hugged me.

Oh dear lord I think this might be heaven.

Aww this is kind of adorable! Who wouldn't want a world of gnomes!? Lol hope you liked it and that's how you summon Johnny Christ cx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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