Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

As the boy stepped into the firelight the eight gypsies stopped talking and very slowly turned towards him. Vincent's brow creased. 'This little boy is what we have felt all day?' His eyes met those of his friends questioning the presence of this small child. They all seemed to say the same thing, 'How the hell should I know?' Everyone seemed to be in shock, and stared openly at the boy who was frantically twisting his huge old shirt in his fingers, and looking at them through his messy fringe.

Taking a deep breath and gathering up his courage the boy looked straight at Mudiwa. "Did you mean it?" he asked in a soft voice.

"Did I mean what?" asked Mudiwa, deliberately softening his deep voice.

"That people were welcome to come and go as they please?" the boy answered a little more strongly, his eyes glancing at the others in the circle.

Keeping his voice soft and calm, the surprised man answered, "Yes. Is that why you are here, to join us?"

Smiling broadly the boy boldly stepped forward. "Oh, yes please. I can do all sorts of chores. I wouldn't be a burden, I promise." He clenched his hands together in an unconscious childhood sign of innocence and sincerity.

The gypsies smiled at the boy's enthusiasm, and yet they were concerned.

Freja gently waved the boy over. "Come here, child; come closer to the fire. We were just about to eat so why don't you join us?"

"Really?" The boy nervously made his way around the group and over to Freja staying just out of arms' reach. "Are you sure it's all right for me to eat with you?"

Freja smiled sweetly at the boy, and yet inside she was wary. The boy was acting as if he had been badly abused. "Of course, there is plenty for everyone." As the boy crept closer and sat next to her on the rug she looked over his head into Vincent's hard, angry gaze. Good – he had seen it too. "So I suppose introductions are in order, or did you catch all of our names already?"

The boy blushed and ducked his head at being caught. She didn't sound angry; her voice had stayed warm and soft the whole time. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I wasn't sure, and..." the boy mumbled.

"Oh, it's quite all right, dear. I think it was very clever of you to watch and wait. Now let's see how clever you are; can you remember everybody's name?" Freja asked with laughter and kindness in her voice. The boy looked up at her and she almost gasped at the large, brilliant green eyes that met hers.

"I only know their first names," the boy said shyly. "Is that okay?"

Freja smiled down at him, her light blue eyes crinkling at the corners. "That is just fine, dear," she replied and reached out to pat his hand. She stopped when he flinched, then slowly continued patting lightly before pulling her hand back into her lap.

"Um, well – okay then." Bright green eyes scanned the group quickly and returned to the fairy lady to his left. "You're Freja." She smiled and nodded. Next he made eye contact with deep chocolate brown eyes and a lighter honey brown pair, both warm and friendly. He smiled at them. "Ria and Naveen." The boy stopped for a moment, brow furrowed in concentration and then looked up at them again. "Congratulations," he stammered out in his sweet child's voice, obviously having trouble with the word.

They both grinned at him, "Thank you, sweetheart," Ria replied. The boy blushed, and looked down. No one had ever called him 'sweetheart' before. Looking up the boy caught her eye and blushed again before turning to the next person. Pale, gray eyes made him gasp; he had not been expecting them in the ebony-skinned man. Taking a deep breath he smiled up at the huge man. "Mudiwa."

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