A Butler And A Bouncer

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Dalton sat on the porch of Dawson's manor, which was a massive estate on the outskirts of the city. It overlooked a grassy terrace, and the winding gravel driveway that swirled out to the front gate. She lay back in a lawn chair, her body tanning in the sun. The rain had cleared, and a bright sun had replaced it, warming the winter landscape.

"Lady Dalton?" a voice asked.

Dalton raised her sunglasses to see Dawson's butler standing nervously above her. "What do you want?" she asked harshly.

"More champagne?" the butler was a svelte Spanish man, who wore a polished tux and a corsage.

"Sure, whatever. Don't talk to me."

The butler shakily poured the glass from the bottle, then stood next to her. She eyed him grossly.

"I know you're busy and all, Lady Dalton, but I have news."

"Please don't call me that, it sounds weird."

"My apologies..."

The man stood there for a moment while Dalton looked at him.

"Do you like this shit?" she said, motioning to her body.

"No.. I'm gay..."

Dalton laughed. "Okay what the hell do you want?"

"Your friend Sara called, she invited you to have drinks at your special bar."

"My special bar?" Dalton said, thinking. "The gay one."

"I wouldn't know..."

Dalton looked for a nametag. "Jacob, do you wanna come?"

"No..." the butler said.

Dalton smiled. "Okay. Leave me the fuck alone now."

Jacob walked away.

A few hours later, when the night had turned the air cold, Dalton found herself at a gay bar in downtown Manhattan. She stood in a cardigan, her hands in her pockets, and she looked at the flashing neon sign. There was a line, and a black woman stood guard at the front.

"Welcome back to the real world," Sara said from behind her. Sara wore a beanie and a tight dress.

"Why the hell are you wearing that to a gay bar?"

Sara smiled. "I'm testing my luck. Come on, let's have fun."

Sara grabbed Dalton by the arm and dragged her to the entrance, her feet skipping across the pavement as she went. There were some disgruntled jeers from the line, and the bouncer stopped them.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" the woman barked.

"Getting in the club, what else?" Sara said.

"Well you're the fucking manliest woman I've ever met, having the balls to walk up to me like that."

"Don't try me, you don't know what's under this dress!"

The bouncer looked like she was about to hit Sara, but a hand grabbed her shoulder.

"That's enough Shay," a man said with a gay lisp. "You can let them in."

The line booed, but the man raised his hands to quiet them.

"But why?" Shay asked.

"They're victims of the attack. Plus, Sara is a good friend of mine."

"Damn right, Mark," Sara said, high fiving the man named Mark.

Mark stuck out his hand. "Marks Hudson, but you can call me Mark."

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