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After i left Krauss with Polanski, I went to my cubicle, which was right outside his office. I was busy filing solved personal injury cases when i saw Sara, my bestfriend/to-be-roommate, peer into my cubicle. We're cubicle neighbours. I turned towards her.

"What are you doing, Sara?" I asked her, smiling. She was staring at Polanski's office door. 

" He is so hot! I'd stay here forever if he'll be our boss" Sara said as she peered over my cubicle wall to get a better look at Krauss as he passed by, and swooned.

I returned my attention to my work, "He's not that special, Sar. I've seen many guys like that."

"Yeah. So have I, On the cover of GQ magazine!" She exclaimed, "He's gorgeous! Admit it, you blind, blind woman!"

"Sar, if you don't let me finish my paperwork over how beautiful some guy is; I shall personally call your Mom and tell her to start hunting in Pakistan for elligible bachelors for you." I gave her a look. "You know I'm not kidding."

Sara narrowed her eyes at me, "Whose side are you on anyway?! Traitor." She sinked back into her chair. A smug smile crept onto my face, "Works everytime."

Sara hates it whenever I bring up her marriage. Her Mom, Mrs.Furqan, has been trying to convince/coax her into marriage for years now. Their moving to Pakistan was also mostly to go "Rishta-Shopping" as Sara called it, for Sara. They tried to get her to come with them but she used work as an excuse. She doesnt hate the concept of marriage, She just doesnt want to get married right now. Her excuse: "I'm too young!" or "I'm not about to leave my career! I just started getting the good stuff!"

I'm not saying she's wrong to be delaying getting married; Marriage is some pretty scary stuff. But I guess, It doesnt really hurt looking at a few of them.

"Ayres! I need you here!" Polanski popped his head out his office door and called for me

"Yes, Sir!" I quickly jumped off my chair and rushed into his office. I opened the door a little, Polanski was disscussing something with Krauss, I knocked lightly on his door and opened it slightly more and went in, "You called?"

Polanski looked up at me and said "Yeah. Congratulations. You're handling Mr.Krauss's case."

Did i hear him correctly? Did he just ask me to handle Krauss's case? "Sorry?" I stared at him with wide eyes. Polanski, being Polanski, gave me his signature frightening look "Is there a problem?" It's no use arguing with him when he gives you the look, You'd have better luck becoming the king of the world. I sighed, "Not really, But shouldnt he have a better lawyer, one with more experiance?" It's not like he can't afford them, I thought to myself. I couldnt help but glare at him. "Yes, I know there are more experianced lawyers but you're the only one who topped our bodyguard training." Yeah, Our firm is weird. Three years ago the Founder insisited all the lawyers-in-training from that day onwards will recieve bodyguard training. So we're now technically Lawyers/Bodyguards. "Lawguards", Or some kind of cross between Lawyers, Bodyguards and Detectives. I topped my class easily.

"What's my bodyguard training got to do with this?" I asked Polanski but was greeted with an answer from someone else.

"I need a bodyguard and a lawyer, preferably one person who's both. My enemies are very clever, very observant. They wait for their enemy to show all their cards before they attack." He turned to me. "When I asked Polanski if he has someone like that, You were the first person he recommended. Pleased to be working with you, Ms.Ayres" He smirked. Cocky Bastard, I glared at him. I was seething with anger. Who the...eff does he think he is?!. Polanski, as if sensing danger, cleared his throat. "It's only for 7 months. You won't even have to worry about a guise much, Ayres. You could be his cousin or perhaps his girlfriend-" "No." I turned towards Polanski

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