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The whole first week went by in a rush, everyone getting syllabuses signed and introducing ourselves to the handful of unknown people we would see walking, running, or making out in the hall. This was high school, and I was only half way through it.

Whenever I saw anyone from my small friend group in the hall, we would give each other a small smile and a wave. That was everyone except for Sarah who glared at me like everyone else.

Finally today was Friday which meant a half day at school and a party after school. I walked with Abby in the hall to my first class.

"So, what time should I pick you up for the party tonight?" she asked while we strolled down the hall. "I know that Bobby is driving herself, but I can pick you and Calum up."

"I guess around seven works for me," I answered before I said goodbye and headed into my first class.

The whole day went by slowly even though it was still a half day. The words from each teacher's mouth came out slower and seemed to grab my attention just as I was about to escape reality to pass time by drawing. School that day was dragged on, I don't know if it was because it was the first day we learned that week or because of the very first party hosted by a semi popular person that I was attending.

Soon enough the school day had ended, and I found my mom waiting for me in the back of the line of cars that were all there to pick up their teenagers.

"How was school?" she asked, just like any other day. I shrugged, trying to avoid any annoying conversation with her.

"Um, Abby is going to pick me up tonight at seven if that's okay with you," I said, putting on my seatbelt in the backseat.

"Where will you guys be going? Is it a party? If it is, you are not going." I felt as if I was being interrogated for a crime that I didn't even commit.

"No no no, of course not," I lied. "We are going to study for our next math test." She nodded looking at me through the front seat mirror before leaving the school parking lot.

I had a couple hours before the party so I decided to read a book about a history quiz coming up on Monday, which surprising took until six. From six on, I started to do my makeup, making my eyebrows filled and adding a little bit more highlighter and eyeshadow than from the beginning of the day.

Then I began to curl my hair a little bit so it looked like I was trying to fit in with the popular kids as Abby sent me a text message saying, "on my way, be there in 10."

Unlike regular days at school, I actually felt confident and pretty. I felt as if I'd just transformed.

Goodbye Gaby, hello Hannah Montana.

Eventually, Abby picked me up with Calum already in the back seat before she drove off to the party. They began complimenting on how amazing and casual I looked at the same time. It was a great look for a party.

Once we made it to the party, I hopped out following Abby and Calum into the house with loud music blaring all around, probably annoying the neighbors a little too much. Abby opened the door without even knocking to reveal what almost seemed like all the juniors in one house swinging their bodies to the beat while chatting with each other.

I entered the house with Abby, immediately going for the food as Calum got devoured into a group of girls.

"Well, there goes Calum," Abby screamed over the music, picking up a cup and pouring some beer into it.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, pointing towards the beer. We were underage and too young for this.

"You know what, they say... YOLO," Abby cheered, throwing the beer straight into her mouth and taking a big gulp. "If you don't want any, go get some caprisun." As soon as she refilled her cup again, she danced off to be enveloped into the crowd of drunk juniors.

Reluctantly, I grabbed a red solo cup filling it half way with the alcohol available at the party. As I took a sip, I winced at the bitter taste. It actually almost tasted like coffee just a lot more sugary.

I took a few more sips before giving up and throwing the rest of the beer out with the cup. Quickly, I took my mind off the leftover taste by surrounding myself with the crowd, the room soon beginning to spin.

Was I drunk? Is that what it felt like to be drunk? And only after a couple sips of beer?

While in the middle of a bunch of people bobbing their heads to the music, I began twirling, trying to catch my balance. I was off guard and not ready to collapse.

"Gaby?" I heard a voice say, my vision soon becoming blurry. "Gaby, are you okay?" I nodded to the voice, scooting between people to get off of the dance floor. A warm grip clutched my arm as I was about to slip, pulling myself up before dragging me to the staircase to sit me down.

Once I had regained my sight, I looked left to see who was sitting next to me. It was Rosie, the girl hosting the whole party.

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