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A few reminders from the author:

This work is purely fictional, anything that are happening in this fic is made by the imagination. I do not have an inkling of clue if they did happen or not, so it is actually coincidence if ever they did.

I also respect all of the artists who'd portray this story's characters and the added characteristics are, by any means, not leading any propaganda- they are there for the sake of adding stimulation in the character's flow and scattered storyline.

Lastly, please do leave a comment and refrain from posting hateful, vicious ones! You have the right to click the x on your tab if you detest fanfiction or this fandom in particular. Nobody's forcing you to swallow us and our fangirling tendencies. Lets just spread love and stop hating ok? 

Much love and positivity to you darling.

the Irony of Love, the Coincidences of FateWhere stories live. Discover now