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Inside a busy world, upon a seemingly normal crowd, hidden within layers of skin, every person have certain stories, tragedies, and conflicts they cannot dare themselves to tell. They wander aimlessly to a cycle that kept them from shining the embers they have inside, rusting its golden hue until it no longer awaits for the switching of its light. Maybe it was for the fear of being misunderstood or for the fear of falling apart from what holds them altogether. Perhaps they've been wronged and afraid or used to the wrong nodes that do not seem to connect.

Though sometimes, no matter how comfortable you are in your calculated routines, how perfectly fine you are in being one with the crowd, you'd still seek for contentment. And life is funny and ironic for making you see it in the form of situations you've never imagined yourself being in. Could it be possible to find reassurance in something uncertain? To find safety in something utterly dangerous?

To find love in the form of someone you did  expect yourself to fall for?

This is a story of a man who'd always been sure in his impulsiveness, and a girl who's always been wary with defying the norms. In the form of the other, the odds are surely tested with its irony. 

the Irony of Love, the Coincidences of FateWhere stories live. Discover now