Found you!

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Shinichi's POV

FINALLY!I'm now infront of the door wishing for her to be inside when I open it and I did...

As the door opens I saw white...everything is white...because of the white curtains that is covering the walls and the board...the teacher's table and the chair are gone...and in the center of our classroom is a bed...where a beautiful lady is sitting with her hands in her back and a shock look in her face...

"Shiho"the only word he say before he walks towards her.....and hug her,really tight.

"Kudo" she whisper in his ear...still in shock

"What are you doing here?"She asked

He just whisper in her ear,"Found You"

Shiho's POV

He is here! Right infront of me! Hugging me! God!It's just hours since we last met and yet I really miss him! I'm really shocked when I saw him entering the room,and when he look at me and say my name my heartbeat stops but when he walks towards me and hug me I felt my heart beats faster every seconds and I think maybe...just maybe...I also felt his heart beating fast as I am.

"What are you doing here?"she asked him in shock

"Found you"he answered.

H-He really loked for me?Why?Why do you keep on doing this?and making me fell for you more?  And as if to answer her he speaks

"I promise that I will protect you no matter what,right?I'm keeping that promise."he said as he let go of her from his arms and look in her eyes

"Y-You you should not come here...they already know your identity and they might also kill you!"She said,remembering the camera,she continued,"They are watching us,and might be coming here right now!"

"Then we should go now"he said as he gets the knife in his pocket and cut the rope in her hands...

"You must save your self first!"she said

"I will never leave you!We are going out of here together!"he said as he hold her hand and help her to stand up...

Before they are able to reach the door Burgundy shows up

"Too late Kudo-kun!"he said,"Never thought that finding where she is will take you hours!"he said smirking

"Are you the one leaving those damn messages!?"he asked Burgundy

Messages?what messages?I thought.

"Ofcourse!If it wasn't for those 'damn messages' that you will find her!" a bit anger

"Why did you leave those mesages?"

"For the game to be more exciting!"he said...happily?"I actually thought that you won't need them because a sneaky person told me that the connection on both of you are too strong so you could find her easily,and yet it took you hours!"he laughed...really hard!

"Were you trying to help him finding me by those messages"I asked him

"What are you saying,Shiho?Why will he help me?"Shinichi asked

"Because the two of you need to be here,they want both of you die together"Burgundy answered as he lift his right hand with a gun aiming at me.....And fired.

* was this chapter?Will Shiho die?I actually don't know,so let's wait for the next you all!


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