Chapter 6 - Colour war!

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The first thing the Order noticed was the bizarre state of one Rose Weasley.

Her usual ginger hair was a vibrant purple, skin colored in green and yellow dots where her usual freckles would be. The teens and young adults in the room were trying their hardest to surpress their laughter.

"JAMES, FREDDIE!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

Just then they heard the obvious laughter booming from upstairs. The two pranksters swaggered down the stairs, followed by Fred and George. They all stood with wide innocent grins on their faces.

"What. Did. You. Do?" She snarled at them, as James and Freddie were clever enough to flinch the slightest. But the twins, not knowing the full capacity of their niece, simply smirked in amusement.

"What are you smirking at?!" Rose snapped at them, as it only widened.

"Now, now Rosie," Fred's eyes glinted mischeveiously.

"Yeah, that's not a way to respect your elders," George spoke up next.

That was the last straw for everyone.

Hugo was the first one to burst and laughed out loud while falling off the couch and into the dusty floor. Albus, Lily and Scorpius were the next being affected by Hugo as they joined him, clutching their stomachs. Victoire giggled quietly behind her hand and Teddy could only shake his head with a small smile of amusement at the scenery.

"What is merlins beard is going on in here?" The voice of Mrs. Weasley cut through the sound of laughter.

The plump woman stared at her granddaughter in disbelief, her glare quickly finding her twin sons who both avoided her gaze. Arthur was trying his best not to show any reaction to the situation next to his wife, but struggled greatly.

"THOSE ARE WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE!" Rose screeched like a banshee and pointed at the four pranksters huddled in the corner of the dark living room, discreetly highfiving each other behind their backs.

"Calm down Rose, it was just a prank!" Hugo managed to gasp out between his hysteric laughing.

Sirius let out a bark of laughter himself by the sight of Rose after trying to be a responsible adult, and failing by that.

"It's not funny!" She screamed at everyone who laughed.

"No you're right , it wasn't was hilarious!" Lily giggled.

"Honestly! You children made the whole Order come out because of this?" Mrs.Weasley exclaimed.

"Don't blame us Gran! Rose was the one who screamed at the top of her lungs," James snickered, making said girl glare at him in hatred.

"Honestly..." Mrs. Weasley sighed and walked back in the kitchen with the rest of the Order following closely behind.

The door slammed shut behind them and they heard someone muttering a spell when they didn't hear anything else.

"Hmh, must have put up a muffliato charm," James observed and causing almost everyone to roll their eyes.

"No shit sherlock," Teddy muttered.

"Who?" Scorpius asked confused.

"Who what?" Teddy responded.

"Who is Sherlock?" He asked.

"It's a muggle phrase," Lily cut in for him as the Malfoy heir nodded slowly.

"Purebloods," Hugo muttered teasingly.


"Can we get back on the subject that I'm covered in color?!" The furious voice of Rose cut through the sound of the others.

"I actually think that you look better this way," James grinned.

Rose narrowed her eyes at him and slowly pulled out her wand.

"It's on Potter," She growled and then pointed her wand at him.

Pink sparks flew out and hit James square in the chest and covering him in the shade from top to toe. In return he blasted blue sparks at her and made her skin blue instead of the hideous green.

Then a full on color war began.

Sparks of different colors flew around the room, hitting different people and objects.
Victoire and Teddy widely kept away far in the corner of the chaos to avoid getting hit.

"Honestly. I can't believe Rosie got so furious over something so little," the beautiful blonde sighed to Teddy, twirling a piece of hair around her finger absently.

He was about to respond when suddenly green sparks flew towards them and hit Victoire in her hair.

She gasped and shrieked. "MY HAIR! MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR IS GREEN!" Snapping her head around, she glared at Freddie before taking out her wand.

"FRED WEASLEY! YOU'RE DEAD!" she yelled before launching herself into the war.

None of the kids kept the time, but it was spent laughing and casting different colors of sparks around the room. Sometime a furious yell would be heard in between the laughing from either Rose or Victoire. The only ones who did stay out of it was Teddy and the Golden Trio. They all stood in the farthest corner and talked quietly to each other, sometimes ducking just in time.

Suddenly there was a loud BANG, making everyone stop and turn around to see the Order once more coming from the kitchen.

"What is this nonsense?" Mrs. Weasley snapped furiously and looked at the children.

The rest of the Order just looked around in astonishment. The owner of the place had dropped his mouth open at the renevation.

"My house..." He mumbled and stared at the purple, yellow or green walls with dots on. And then his eyes travelled to his furnitures that were very colorful themselves.

"My house look like bloody wonderland," he gaped at the guilty looking children, who all smiled sheepishly.

The tension was cut by a deep chuckle and they all turned to look at Dumbledore.

"I think it looks quite delightful Mr. Black. More cheerful, don't you think?" He smiled and his blue eyes twinkling like crazy.

"I-I guess so," Sirius murmured bewildered.

"I see that you have had a great time. But I do have to break up the party," The older professor said sadly and waved his wand once, when all the colors disappeared and everything was back to normal.

Victoire touched her hair and held it in front of her face. She breathed out a sigh of relief and smiled a faint smile.

"Do have a great evening though!" Was his last reply before flooing away.

McGonagall shook her head and followed suit with Mad Eye, Kingsley and Snape; who just had a sneer on his face at the chaos.

"Soo.. are there any snacks?" Hugo asked out of the blue, making most of the population smack their hands to their forheads.

"Are you serious Hugo?" Lily groaned.

"No I am" James and Sirius replied, making everyone facepalm again.

What did you think? It can't be the Potter-Weasley-Lupin family without some shenanigans ;)

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