Chapter 9 - They're back

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The names who are bold, are from the future.

And for all of you who are slightly confused about ages. 

Teddy  Lupin - 24 (Gryffindor)

Victoire Weasley - 21 (Ravenclaw)

Molly Weasley - 20 (Hufflepuff)

James Sirius Potter- 19 (Gryffindor)

Fred Weasley - 19 (Gryffindor)

Rose Weasley - 17 (Gryffindor)

Roxanne Weasley - 17 (Ravenclaw)

Albus Potter- 17 (Slytherin)

Scorpius Malfoy - 17 (Slytherin)

Dominique Weasley- 16 (Slytherin)

Lucy Weasley - 16 (Gryffindor) NOT PRESENT

Louis Weasley - 15 (Ravenclaw)

Lily Luna Potter - 15 (Hufflepuff)

Hugo Weasley - 15 (Gryffindor)


"Oh god, oh god, OH GOD!" Freddie suddenly wailed loudly, startling everyone in the room. "We're going to die here!"  

All his family along with Malfoy just looked at him with unreadable expressions before shaking their head at his antics. 

"Fred, we are not going to die," Lily assured him slowly, as if talking to a child. 

"And besides how could we? We're in Grimmauld place, the safest place you could be during the war," Molly put in, always one of the more mature and calm ones in tense situations. 

James groaned loudly. "I want to go home," not noticing the crestfallen expression on their grandmother at his words. But Albus did as he sent his sibling a fleeting glare. 

"Not that we don't like it here," Al corrected quickly. "We just don't know how much of the future we might have already changed."

"...what do we do if it has?" Dominique asked hesitantly, already making herself comfortable on the couch with Bill, his arm around her shoulder. 

The youngsters then all looked up at Teddy for guidance as he stood with a grim expression on his face. Victoire by his side and holding his hand in a small sign of support. 

"I guess we won't know until we get back," he could only sigh. Feeling dejected not being able to assure his family. 

"Bloody hell! I was suppose to be at work today!" Molly then cursed out loud, making many of her family look at her in shock at her language. She never was one to use crude words to voice out her thoughts. 

"But Madam Malkin won't be that mad? And it's not like she could do much. It looks like she would collapse any moment," Freddie shrugged carelessly and getting slapped on the back of his head in progress. 

"Freddie! How can you say that? Madam Malkin is a perfectly healthy woman and she was suppose to see my new collection," Molly replied with a glare.

"That woman is still alive?!" Sirius exclaimed as everyone nodded.

"Oh Molly! That is wonderful!" Lily and Rose  both squealed, making the boys exchange glances at the prospect of girls and clothes. "You haven't come with a new collection for the shop in 3 years, I was getting worried." Lily smiled.

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