The Mirror of Erised

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John had had a terrible night's sleep and when he finally gave up and went down to the Great Hall just as the sun was poking up over the horizon, he felt as if he hadn't slept at all. He was worried about whether or not he'd be allowed in, but it turned out that he wasn't the only one that woke up at the crack of dawn, so he sat down and watched Hagrid dragging in the Christmas trees. When Sherlock finally squeezed past Hagrid, John was gazing sleepily into a goblet of pumpkin juice.

'You look terrible,' Sherlock said, plonking himself down in front of John.

'Thanks,' John grunted.

'Trouble sleeping?'

'You have no idea. Do we have Charms today?'


Snape's furious voice drifted in through the open doors.

'Yes but we're skipping it.'

John grimaced.

'Oh, God, why?'

'We are going to sneak into the Slytherin common room.'

'And by "we", I really hope you mean you and your imaginary friend.'

Sherlock ignored John's comment.

'It's easy. I've already got the password, now all we need is a set of robes and we're in,' he said brightly.

'Right, remind me why,' John said, rubbing his face tiredly.

'We're going to look for some evidence to incriminate Lucy,' Sherlock grinned.

'Oh right. Why can't we tell the police or something? Everyone knows it's her.'

'It's not that simple, John. We're in the magical world now and, while it most likely is her doing it, it could just as easily be someone framing her. Magical law is a lot more complicated than Muggle law. I did ask Mycroft about Veritaserum but apparently it's illegal to use it on a minor without Ministry approval.'


'Oh, truth potion.'

'Speaking of, where is Castiel?' John asked.

'Oh, he's in the hospital wing. You aren't the only one having trouble sleeping, so he decided to go and get some practice in. Madam Pomfrey seems to have a bit of a soft spot for him,' Sherlock explained.

'See, I told you he'd be in here,' Hermione's voice said. They both swivelled in their seats to see Harry, Ron and Hermione coming towards them.

'All right, Hermione, we already know that you know everything so leave off will you?' Ron moaned. 'All right, John? We wondered where you'd got to.'

'All right, Sherlock?' Hermione smiled. Ron sniggered and thankfully Hermione didn't hear him.

'Where's Castiel?' Harry asked.

'Hospital wing- he's all right,' he added hurriedly at the expressions on their faces. 'He wanted to practice a bit.'

'So how come you're down so early?' Ron asked, sitting next to John and immediately stuffing some bacon into his mouth.

'Couldn't sleep,' John said miserably. This was going to be a long day.

'Did you find anything out yet?' Harry asked.

'About Nicolas Flamel? No, not yet. I recognise the name though, I think I heard Mycroft talking about him once,' Sherlock said.

'Oh good, now we'll never know,' John said sarcastically. Sherlock scowled but said nothing. John was right, of course, when Mycroft started talking, Sherlock very rarely listened.

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