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The night before the first Quidditch match of the season was a noisy one, especially in the Gryffindor common room. John was sitting with Harry, Ron and Hermione by the window, doing their Charms homework (or rather, having it checked by Hermione). Fred and George were in charge, Percy having gone to bed early and none of the older students seemed to feel like doing anything to stop them. Harry was fidgeting in frustration. Snape had earlier confiscated his copy of Quidditch through the Ages and was itching to get it back. He was just getting up to go and get it back when the room fell silent. The portrait hole had opened and Sherlock had clambered in. He walked straight over to their window, oblivious to the shocked stares he was getting. Ron gaped at him.

'How did you get in here?' he demanded.

'With the password,' Sherlock said dismissively. Harry caught John's eye and supressed the urge to laugh.

'Er right, well off to get my book back,' said Harry.

'Good luck,' John snorted. Harry was half way across the room when he noticed a small figure hovering awkwardly by the portrait hole. Fred and George spotted him at the same time.

'You might as well come in, I think Sherlock's already broken any boundaries there might have been. He does like to show off, that one,' said Fred.

'Yeah. We won't tell Percy if you don't,' George grinned. Castiel smiled uncertainly and shuffled over to take Harry's seat by the window. Harry finally managed to leave the room.

'It's very nice in here,' Castiel commented, gazing around appreciatively.

'Yes, very- red,' said Sherlock.

'What are you doing in here?' Hermione asked without looking up from John's homework.

'Got bored. I would have gone for a walk but Filch remembered to take his keys with him tonight,' Sherlock grumbled. Eventually the rest of the Gryffindors got tired of gawking at Sherlock and Castiel and went back to their evening activities. A few muttered something about 'going too far' but most accepted their presence with good will.

'Have you done the Charms homework yet?' John asked. Castiel nodded.

'If I thought it would be beneficial, I would,' Sherlock said.

'It would give you something to do though, wouldn't it?'

'Yes, if I wanted my brains to leak out of my ears,' Sherlock snorted.

'But how will you learn?' Hermione asked, scandalised.

'I thought it would be quite clear by now that I don't need homework to learn,' Sherlock scoffed. All the same he couldn't help but peer over John's shoulder at the question he was puzzling over.

'The Hover Charm was invented in 1544 by Jarleth Hobart and it cannot be used on humans.'

John grinned and wrote it down; Hermione frowned disapprovingly but said nothing. Hermione had relaxed somewhat when it came to breaking the rules, having broken a great number of them fighting a troll. Harry burst into the room panting and ran over to join them.

'Did you get it?' Ron asked eagerly.

'No, but I did find Snape with a great chunk bitten out of his leg, and he said "how are you supposed to keep your eyes on all three heads at once?" You know what this means? He tried to get past that three-headed dog on Hallowe'en and tried to steal whatever it is it's guarding. And I'll bet you anything he let the troll in as a diversion,' he finished breathlessly.

'No- he wouldn't!' Hermione said, wide-eyed. 'Why would he try and steal something Dumbledore's trying to protect?'

'Honestly, Hermione, you think all teachers are saints or something. I wouldn't put it past him though,' said Ron.

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