Through the Trapdoor

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Finally, their exams arrived and no one had any idea how they managed to get through them. At last they had the opportunity to concentrate on something normal for a change, yet they found themselves worrying about how long it would take Voldemort to come bursting into the school. Sherlock spent almost no energy on the exams at all, instead using his revision time studying numerous star charts and maps of the solar system. John found out and became very suspicious.

'Why are you suddenly so interested in Astronomy? You've been avoiding it all year.'

Sherlock hesitated; he wondered what he could say to John without accidentally revealing what he knew.

'The centaurs kept saying "Mars is bright tonight" and I'm trying to figure out what it means,' he said carefully.

'Oh, well you'd need Astrology for that,' he said. Sherlock groaned loudly. John chuckled at him.

'Hang on; I think I've got something...'

John dug through his bag and pulled out a book bound in rich, black velvet with gold lettering. The Stars and Their Symbolism: How it Affects You. Sherlock stared at it.

'Why do you have a book about Astrology in your bag?' he asked.

'Why do you have a box of flesh-eating slugs in your bag?' John countered, flipping through the pages.

'Aha, here we are- "Mars, the bringer of battle: Mars is a common sight in the night sky as skirmishes and petty arguments are a constant, however it can be seen shining brightly in the months and years before massive wars and battles that divide a large or influential population." A great war is coming and this is just the beginning,' John whispered. Sherlock grimaced and immediately stuffed John's book out of sight.

'Doesn't sound like much fun- come on, it's Transfiguration now,' he said, packing away his star charts.

Harry was growing ever more agitated, his scar prickling painfully. It only made things worse that people kept telling him to visit Madam Pomfrey.

The days slipped by until, at last, the only exam that remained was History of Magic. Sherlock sat in the classroom with the rest of the Ravenclaws and flicked bits of parchment at the back of Padma Patil's head, having finished the exam within fifteen minutes of the allotted hour. She turned and glared at him but quickly went back to her exam in case Professor Binns saw her. Sherlock sneaked a glance at Castiel's paper beside him. He was still working furiously even though he had already finished, it looked like he was being extremely thorough and adding extensions to every answer.

Finally, the exam was over and a few of the students cheered and cleared the room. Sherlock shouldered his bag.

'Come on, let's go outside, they'll be waiting for us.'

The corridors were flooded with students trying to get out into the sun and it took them what felt like hours to push through the crowds to the Entrance Hall, where they bumped into Gabriel. He grinned widely at them.

'Hey, bro! Just finished your exams?' he asked. Castiel smiled.

'Yes we did,' he said. 'History of Magic was our last one.'

'Cool, how did it go?'

'I think it went all right,' Castiel said shyly.

'I'm sure you did great, kiddo,' Gabriel grinned. 'I gotta go- still got a Charms exam. Have a great day.'

With that, he set off towards Professor McGonagall's classroom. They continued to push onward until they found the Gryffindors lying under a tree by the lake. The Weasley twins could be seen tickling the tentacles of the giant squid while a couple of other kids threw bits of toast and pie crusts to it. Ron was sprawled on the ground and John had his feet dangling in the water. Sherlock and Castiel sat with them and Ron sighed happily.

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