Nicolas Flamel

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Sherlock was in the Gryffindor common room again and was sulking by the window, having been banned from playing chess because he never played by the rules. John was trying not to fall asleep in by the fire while Ron played a game against Castiel. Hermione was watching John closely, scrutinising the dark shadows under his eyes and looking as if she was about to say something.

'Spit it out, Hermione,' John said tiredly.

'You really ought to see Madam Pomfrey,' she said. John sighed.

'She's right, you know,' Castiel said, looking up from their game.

'Don't tell her that, it'll make her head even bigger,' said Ron without looking up. It was his move and he was currently losing. At that moment Harry walked in looking pale and John was glad for the distraction.

'What's up? You look awful,' John asked. Harry threw himself down in another chair.

'Snape's refereeing the next match,' he said. Sherlock glanced over at them from the window.

'No way!' Ron said loudly, his head snapping up from the game.

'That's terrible!' Hermione squeaked.

'Checkmate!' Castiel said triumphantly, causing Ron to groan in frustration.

'You have to get out of it,' said John.

'Pretend to break your leg,' suggested Hermione.

'Really break your leg,' said Ron. Castiel frowned disapprovingly.

'Don't be ridiculous,' Sherlock snorted from the corner.

'Butt out, Sherlock,' Ron scowled. Sherlock sniffed and turned away. John gave him a reproachful look but he had already gone back to his chess set to start a new game with Castiel.

'I can't drop out anyway, there's no reserve Seeker, I'll have to play,' said Harry. Hermione looked terrified at the thought and John had finally fallen asleep. They sat in silence, with the occasional frustrated outburst from Ron, who couldn't seem to beat Castiel, until they were distracted by Neville falling through the portrait hole with his legs stuck together. Everyone fell about laughing except Castiel and Hermione, who both jumped up to perform the counter to the Leg-Locker curse.

'What happened?' Harry asked him.

'Malfoy,' Neville replied shakily. 'I met him and his cronies outside the library.'

'Tell Professor McGonagall!' Hermione cried. 'Report him!'

'I don't want more trouble,' he mumbled.

'You have to tell someone! Malfoy's used to walking all over people but you shouldn't lie down and make it easier for him! You have to stand up to him,' said Ron. Castiel was staring at Neville, who shuffled awkwardly under his gaze.

'You're worth twelve of Malfoy,' he said quietly. Harry fished his last Chocolate Frog out of his pocket and handed it to Neville, who looked like he might cry. He pulled out the card and handed it back to Harry.

'Thanks. You collect these, right?' he said before walking away miserably.

'Hey, it's Dumbledore, you know he was the first one I ever...' Harry read the back. 'It's him, I've found Flamel!' he said. Sherlock came over to see what was going on, climbing over an armchair and waking John in the process. He looked over Harry's shoulder at the card.

'"Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and his work o alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel!"' Harry read aloud. Sherlock slapped a hand to his forehead.

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