Chapter 3

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Your brain and body was sore after all that training and knowledge was tossed at you. You got the day off though so it's all balanced. You grabbed your phone and headphones and decided to listen to [Best of You by Foo Fighters/Bored to Death by Blink-182/Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco/Dreams by Beck/Time is Running Out by Muse/Never Be Like You by Flume ft. Kai/No by Megan Trainer/or just your favorite song (comment it I wanna know. My favorite song/s is where do I began Little Bit More by Jidenna/Wherever I Go by One Republic/What Goes Around...Comes Around by Justin Timberlake/Can't Stop by Red Hot Chili Peppers/Mr. Jones by Counting Crows/etc.)]

"Knock Knock" your father said. You pulled out one of you headphones. "Hmm?" You asked. "Training" he said. "Again?" You groan. "No your werewolf training" he said. "But I'm not a werewolf" you say sitting up. "Don't think I didn't notice the bite that was on your leg that healed" he said. You looked at your leg and sigh turning off your lovely music and standing up. "Where do we began?" You asked. "Well I have a guest with me" he said. Right there appeared a man who was [Fine as hell/Eh he was ok].

You've chosen Fine as hell

You were staring and you didn't care if it was rude. This dude was sexy and fine. Hair a bit messy but he pulled it off leather jacket which screamed the 'I'm a bad boy'. "Y/N!" Your father shouted. "Huh?" You tear your gaze from the sexy oh so sexy beast who hid the smirk. Your father sighed and shook his head. "This is Derek" he said. You composed yourself. "Hey" you said raising your hand as you waved it. He nodded towards you. This work out was going to be interesting.

You've chosen Eh he was ok

Ok so the man could use a make over and maybe grow a beard but you weren't interested at all and I mean at all. "Hey" you said and he nodded towards you with an emotionless look. "This is Derek" your father said. "Well Derek I'm Y/N" you said. Alright maybe you were still fueling on anger because one you were stopped from listening to your music two you were hungry three you didn't ask for this four you didn't want to do this and five you were just flat out lazy the story of your life and no not the One Direction song. You follow your father and Derek down the stairs to the gym your father had installed before you three you, your mother and father decided to move in. It was spacious and smelled like pine wood. After about a few hours of pain and agony and suffering from broken bones that you were glad healed quickly. You basically received a crash course of The Wolf Man. But this class was called How to be a Werewolf 101 taught by Derek Hale. He gave you every reason to trust him. He wasn't shady well that's a lie he looked shady but he wasn't shady like he's cute but he's not that cute understand? "Tell me again why these hunters are on your ass?" You asked Derek doing another push up. He kissed his teeth. "I'm a werewolf their hunters we don't go together hand in hand" he said sarcastically. "Listen Sourwolf I asked a simple question that could've been answered with a simple answer but nooo you got to answer with your sarcasmness" you said. "That's not a word" he said. You stopped your mid push up giving him the look of 'I don't care'. "It is in my dictionary" you said huffing. "Can I stop now?" You asked. "How fast can you block?" He asked. "I don't know come find out" you say standing up. He was quick to throw a punch but you were faster due to one your father's training and your reflexes. "Yeah you can stop now" he said. "Don't be a stranger" you say and he rolled his eyes leaving. "How'd it go kiddo?" Your father asked. [Awesome because he's a good friend/Awesome because you know the man was hot as a motherfucker]

You've chosen Awesome because he's good friend
Achievement Found: Way to friend zone someone

"Yeah it was fun besides the fact I basically had all 206 bones broken in more than 100 hundred ways it was great" you say. "That's good to hear because you'll be doing it again for tomorrow and the rest of the weeks" he said. You groan. "You suck dad" you said. "I know" he said and winked then walked off. You made a horrified face and you were confused. "Wait dad are you trying to tell me something I don't know?!" You called and of course he didn't answer.

You've chosen Awesome because you know the man was hot as a motherfucker
Achievement Found: First Crush

You smiled a bit too wide for your father's liking. "Was it that good?" He asked. You nodded happily. "Yes" you say. "Oookay" your father drawled out. "Go do whatever you teenagers do and get out of my sight" he said. You basically skipped off to your room ready for tomorrow to come on in. Wait...what are you going to do now? [Sit at home and daydream about your crush/Text Scott and Stiles(this is only if you went to school)/Go bother your father to go buy you some new things]

You've chosen to sit at home and daydream
Achievement Found: Daydreamer

Dashing over to your bed and jumping on it like a starfish you though of [Stiles/Scott/Isaac/Derek/Lydia/Allison]. You thought what it would be like if you dated him/her. How would the kiss feel? What emotion would they feel? How sexy they looked when you- BAD THOUGHTS! You scold yourself. But then you thought it wouldn't hurt at all especially after all the things you've read.

You've chosen to bother your father to go buy you new things
Achievement Found: I get what I want...sometimes

"Oh dad!" You shout sweetly. You heard him sigh. "What is it?" He asked. "What do you want?" He asked. You basically had the Cheshire Cat grin upon your face. You dashed to him telling him your whole list of things you wanted. The poor man looked like he was going to have a heart attack. "I'm not giving you everything" he said. "We'll get half today and the other half next week" you say. "Oh no but the time next week comes along you'll add more things" he said. You promised you wouldn't swearing up and down crossing your heart and hoped to bungee jump but you crossed your fingers behind your back. Pssf of course your going to add new things. "Alright" he said. You fist pumped the air and followed him out the door. What can I say your a bargainer.

You've chosen to text Scott and Stiles (remember only if you went to school)
Achievement Found: Umm I'm hella bored let's do something

You picked up your phone off your bedside table. Hey what are you guys doing? You waited for a reply. Uh studying? Stiles said. You looked at the phone with disbelief. If he was why add the question mark and he added uh he sounded unsure about that. You sure about that Stilinski? You seem a little unsure about that? You say. What do you what? Now he was annoyed you could feel it through the text. I'm bored come pick me up. You say. No. He said. You lowly growled calling him. He answered. "Stiles" you say. "Uh heyyyy Y/N" he said. You purse your lips together narrowing your eyes at the wall. "Are you busy?" You asked. "Yeah no" he said. "It's a simple yes or no question" you said. You hated when people did that. You could ask one of the most simplest questions and they have to go ahead and make it complicated. You should be receiving a simple answer back right? "I'm with Scott" he said. "Alright and?" I asked. "Give me your address" he demanded now very very annoyed. You didn't know why he was but you ended the call shooting him a text and slipped on your shoes and a jacket. You told your father in advance that you were going out with the two idiots.

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Name: Y/N L/N

Friends: Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Lydia, Allison, and Derek in a way

Crush: Scott/Stiles/Isaac/Lydia/Allison/Derek

Rank: Newbie Werewolf

Skill: Newbie Hunter

Eye Color: Amber

Actual Eye Color: E/C

(More will be added later on in the story)

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This is why I like you. (I like everyone so please don't go trying to attack me please I need my thumbs and other body parts still attached to my body)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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