What Happens Next

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Kayla <3

"I gotta go, I will talk to you later." I got up and walked towards the hallway that my dorm was in.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Kimber. "Come to my dorm room now! Asap!!"

I started to run but when I saw the hall monitor I stopped and just walked very fast. Almost jogging.

When I got there I found Jade putting away her clothes that she had brought. I plopped face first on my bed. I got a text, I lifted up my head and looked down at my phone. It was from Bailey. Wow, I missed him a lot.. I cried when he moved away.  I opened his text, it said "Hey, I miss you. We NEED to meet up, somewhere. Where are you?"

"Orlando Florida." I texted back. He missed me too :))

"Are you... uhm okay?" Jades voice broke through the pillows that were now over my ears.

"Yea, definitely." I said

"REALLY? No way, I can be there in an hour!!" Bailey was in Orlando? Or very close.

"Oh my gosh Jade, I gotta get ready." I jumped out of bed and into the bathroom

I took a shower did my make up, and by the time I was getting dressed Kimber was here.

"Hey! What took so long??" I asked

"I was at the super market." She said, "Sorry."

"It is fine, but Brandon kissed me. Just so you know."

"Wow, good for you." Kimber smiled,"Wait.. do you like him?"

"Yea, I have since 6th grade." I laughed, "I never really liked Alex."

Her jaw dropped. "You lied to me!!??" We both were laughing at this point.

"Stop, I have to get ready." I said trough giggles

My phone went off, "For wh-" She looked at the text "Kayla Faith!"

My eyes widened. "Kimber Alexis!" I yelled

"Someones gotta date!!!??"

"Who?" I questioned

"You, silly. He obviously likes you."

"Really?" I laughed "Says the one who had a crush on him"

"I was in second grade. What the hell?"

"Haha, very funny. He just wants to meet up. We were good friends before he left."

"Why are you in Orlando Florida??" Kimber said, "That's what he said."

"Give me my phone, Kimber."

I texted him back, "Well it is August and I go to school here now."

"I have to go to the super market. School starts tomorrow. We wont have any food, and wont have time to eat out." Jade said

"Okay, can you please wait for me. I would like to go to the Farmers Market."

"Sure, don't be out long, please." She grabbed her purse,"I could also give you money, instead."

"I don't want your money Jade."

"You two work this out, I'm gonna go. Text me on how it goes." Kimber said, and with that she left.

"Its our money, Kayla. Plus the food would be for the both of us." Jade continued her argument.

"Fine, if I am not back in time, then go and I can take some of our money and go myself."

"Where do you wanna meet?" I texted Bailey

"There is a little pastry shop near the movies. I would love to get some, they are fresh baked."

I could just imagine his British accent, him saying those words.

I grabbed my little white purse that my mom had given me. She had so many stories. It used to be Lori's. But when they went separate ways.. she just got to keep it. I looked at the purse and then decided I wanted to make my own stories.

  So I just grabbed my phone case with the built in wallet. I put 20 dollars in there, and left. 20 dollars wasn't much but I had to go with what I had. My mom and dad were paying for my books and classes of course. But I just wanted to make good use of this 500 dollars. If I did use this 20, I already had used 50 dollars.

It is Tuesday, I get to watch my favorite show with my brother tomorrow. Awesome.

When the cab pulled up to the pastry shop, I got out and paid the driver the 2 dollars it was to take me around the corner. I saw this girl with him. I walked up to him and was greeted with a hug, a hug I hadn't felt in 3 years.

"Hi!" He said

"Hey! I missed you so much."

"This is my girlfriend Ashlee." I was surprised by those words.

"Oh, things didn't go well with Lauren??"

"Nope." Ashlee laughed

"Wait Ashlee?" Hmm.. sounded familiar. "How do you spell it?"

"A, s, h, l, e, e." Bailey said

"Kindergarten Ashlee??" I asked

"Joylive Elementary." She said

"Yes! We both had Mrs. White."

"Well I'm gonna go grab some pastries." Bailey said, " What would you like?"

"I don't want anything, I actually have to get going." I didn't want to leave but I had to,"It was great seeing you, stay in touch."

I walked home, I could just tell that they were making funny looks and were confused but I just couldn't be there. Bailey had changed.

So I went home and went food shopping and didn't speak anything of it.

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