Not Knowing

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I do not know if anyone will be reading this, I am sorry for not posting anything in a while. I started middle school and everything became a blur. I also stopped writing because when I first started Felicity, my first story, I was with 'Isaac'. We are not together anymore.. sadly. But I am going to continue because this is not my story it's Kayla's.

      I don't know what it was about Bailey, but I feel that Ashlee has changed him, or Lauren even. But I was about to start school in a week and that couldn't be the first thing on my mind.

 I ended up never meeting Jade to go shopping like I had texted her about in the cab. Never the less, she has been a great friend to be since I arrived.

 Our new room with the rugs, curtains, bean bags and shelves was inviting. It gave me a safe place to cry.  I wasn't one hundred percent sure on why I was so upset about this but did it matter? My closest friends have all changed for the worse. First Bella, now Bailey. Maybe it was a Alsheimer deal. All twins seem to have issues. I would ask Bella why Bailey was in Orlando or close. But I would rather talk to the devil than talk to her. Its possible they are one in the same.

  Brandon and I have planned our date for tomorrow night. He was taking me out to dinner, then the movies. And after we might go back to his dorm and hang for a bit.  Although I'm not sure if ill go.. we will see.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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