Chapter 11: Father son time

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-Chapter 11: Father-son time-

We leapt out from the equivalent of the front door, and out of instinct, I snapped open my wings and began to seek out thermals, though since we were indoors, there was nothing to catch.

Of course, I then found myself at a loss, as Tyran flew round in a lazy arc, then hovered in front of me as I tried to puzzle out what to do. He seemed extremely amused at the fact that I had forgotten how to fly.

“Getting old, father?” He remarked, laughing.

I snorted. “Not really. I’m young again. But, have no idea how to use the flappy things…”

“Flappy things?” came the confused reply.

“Nevermind. Was a bad joke. I meant wings. I don’t remember.” I shrugged. “I’m running on instinct here!”

“Ah, right. I’ll help you along. Follow me.” Tyran replied, and began to circle me.

He spent the next few hours or so teaching me how to use the wings to move, much to Aurak’s amusement. The gold dragon had chosen to take a back seat and watch, and found it exceedingly funny that I, of all people would have forgotten how to fly.

Of course, it was somewhat tiring, but I found it worth it, as I experienced the exhilaration of flying once again, while learning to bank and turn, to dive, accelerate and to slow down. It was not easy, safe to say, however, as I went along, it began to come back to me slowly, and soon enough, I was flying circles around my son.

I could tell that he was having a good time, however, as we chased each other around the area, occasionally nipping playfully at each other’s tails occasionally. Just like we used to do in the mountains, back before humans were even a threat…

Honestly, I missed those days, and I could tell that the other two did too. There was a lot less to worry about then. The only things one needed to do was to fill one’s stomach, and that was more or less it. Just stay within your own territory, and deal with the occasional incursion. Other than that, one was mostly left to one’s devices, to pursue one’s own interests, or to just lay in the sun and enjoy the sun on ones scales.

There was no work, no army, and no school. No extra expectations, and no one to nag at you.

Which somewhat explained why I was so impatient with things sometimes, but that was beside the point.

What I wanted was to have space to do things that I enjoyed, to spend time mucking around with things, to spend time with Tyran. That constituted a big hole, which had just been filled, and I was more than happy to be back.

“You’re going to hit a wall soon, if you don’t get out of your thoughts, father.” Tyran’s voice floated over, and snapped me out of my thoughts.

I blinked and shook my head, snapping myself back to reality. “Huh? What?” I then noticed that I was about to smack into a wall. “Oh right, wall.” I quickly pulled up, and flew over. I landed on the roof with Tyran.

“Why the grin?” Tyran asked, prodding my side.

I smirked and ruffled his mane. “Well, let’s say that I feel whole again.”

“So, it was a good choice, no?” Came the hopeful reply. He must have regretted pressuring me into the decision.

“Yeah.” I nodded, and added, “Don’t shoot yourself over asking me. It was inevitable anyway. Once I got a taste of what I lost, I would have never been content reverting to human again. It was just a matter of time, Tyran. Besides, it won’t do for you to have a human for a father, yes?”

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