Chapter 10: Choosing sides

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-Chapter 10: Choosing sides-

I drove us into the large warehouse, and back to the same set of rooms that I had been using for the past few days. Faelius remarked that they had added a human shower for me if I wanted to use it. However, he also mentioned that he preferred me as a dragon, although gold wasn’t quite my colour…

I nodded and stopped the car next to the toilet, intending to pee, only to realise that I hadn’t a clue how to do it.

This was when Aurak stepped in with a mental chuckle, and showed me how to do it. It was…different from humans, as everything was in a slit, but I picked it up quickly enough, and succeeded in not spraying urine everywhere.

Once done, I got out, to see both Faelius and Tyran standing next to the car, talking. They seemed engrossed, and I decided against interrupting. Instead, I quietly made my way to the car, and waited for them to be done.

<Can I try driving now?> Aurak asked, slightly excited.

<Eh, bit early, but whatever. Go ahead, take control. Why not go and say hello to the other two too?> I replied, chuckling, as I took a back seat. I could still feel everything, but I found that I had no control, as Aurak took over and clambered far more gracefully out the car.

The first thing he did when he walked up to Faelius was to bow and ask for forgiveness. Both Tyran and Faelius were shocked at first, but quickly recovered when they realised that I had ceded control to Aurak.

Faelius was quick enough to grant the gold forgiveness, saying that he was not at fault. When asked about lifting the spell, he replied, “Not with Tano’rath in your form. Besides, I cannot lift it. The caster has yet to return from his human adventure.”

Aurak was, of course, extremely disappointed, and I felt his wings droop a little. Faelius shrugged. “Be patient, young drake. He will be back soon enough. For now, You’ll have to rely on Tano’rath if you wish to have some freedom.”

Aurak sighed, and shook his head.

My vial of solution given to me by the now late James, as well as his own solution were passed to Faelius. He made James’s vial disappear, before passing mine to Aurak who looked at it quizzically.

“That is for the old black drake. It will give him back his form permanently.” Faelius remarked, “He should drink it as soon as possible.”

Of course, since Aurak was in control, I could not protest, and ended up fuming in silence. Why did the entire world want me turned back into a dragon? Granted, it felt right, heck it WAS right, but I wanted to decide for myself… Plus there was also the fact that I had to confirm the facts for myself...although presently I had no means to do so. It would probably have to wait till the end of the war, and I would then have access to DNA testing...I knew someone who would be more than happy to run the tests for me...

<There is nothing to decide on. Once you go flying, you’ll never want to stay human.> Aurak interjected while he took the vial, breaking my train of thought while he was at it.. He the vial passed to Tyran when we got into the car. <And this elixir will make it permanent, so you’ll never have to worry about bad smells like with me.>

<True, and despite what your uncle said, this actually feels right. All the voids are filled.>

<Yes, I understand. Mind telling me how to start the car?>

I then realised that we were all sitting in the car, Tyran seeming to be impatient. “Father, we’ve been waiting. Why haven’t you started the contraption?”

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