Firelord/Zuko x Reader

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Y/N: Your Name

H/C: Hair Color

You had been working at The Jasmine Dragon for almost six months now, and it was amazing. The Hundred-Year War had just ended after Firelord Zuko's coronation and Avatar Aang's legendary battle with Firelord Ozai. You loved working for Iroh. He was like the grandfather you should have had. Since he no longer had Zuko to care for, he took to mentoring you in the art of tea making. Apparently you were learning.

"Y/N, I need you to stay after hours today!" Iroh shouted from across the tea parlor.

"Okay! Did the Lins' rent out the place again? I can set up the tables again if you need me to." You shouted back. You loved decorating the place for special occasions.

"No, though that would be interesting considering the last time!" Iroh chuckled. "We have a few special guests that I will be personally entertaining, so I will need you helping make and serve the tea."

Woah! You thought to yourself. Iroh never entertains anyone. He's always the one making the tea. Who's coming over? Whoever they were, they were very important, so you had to put all of your tea making skills to the test.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

It was finally time for the special guests to arrive. The entire staff had been sent home, except for you, of course. The Jasmine Dragon looked so deserted until you heard a loud groan outside the shop. Is that them? Just in case, you ran back to check your hair and clothes. You had put your H/C hair into a tight bun at the base of your neck and you wore your light green tunic under your crème-colored apron that all of the tea makers wore. Everything was ready.

"Y/N! Come meet everyone. And bring the tea!" Iroh called from the main room.

"Tea for all of us? That's a lot to carry. I'll go help her." A familiar voice called above the small hum of chatter. You should have recognized that voice sooner.

"Ahh!" You screamed as the person talking bumped into you, spilling all of the tea all over your dress and the floor.

"Oh great! Sorry about that." The voice apologized.

"It's totally fine. It was my fault. I should have watched where I was go..." You stood and looked into eyes that looked like they had been created by the sun. You knew those eyes, this face, anywhere. His face had gone from being on wanted posters all over the Fire Nation to being the symbol for forgiveness and renewal for the whole nation. You had spilled tea on Firelord Zuko. You dropped to the floor, bowing and begging for forgiveness for your mistake.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked into those fiery eyes again. "You don't need to apologize. It wasn't your fault." He wasn't smiling, but you figured since he was the new Firelord, it was kind of an occupational hazard.

"I know you're not supposed to cry over spilled tea, but it's just so sad." Iroh said, staring longingly at the wasted tea.

"Uncle!" Zuko whined, rolling his eyes. "It's just tea. We can make more."

"I'm so sorry! I'll make a new batch of Ginseng Tea, Iroh. Then I'll get this cleaned up." You stated. As you listed off the things you had to do in such a short amount of time, you became worried. The others must have seen your worry because one girl offered to get the tea off of the floor in seconds. She was wearing a fancy green tunic and had a pink flower in her hair connecting these loops in her hair. You turned to see her waterbending the tea off of the floor. Waterbending?! You smiled to yourself. Now you knew exactly who you were serving. You were personally making tea for the Gaang!

"Hey." Zuko appeared at the door, leaning on the frame. Spirits, he's hot! You blushed and then giggled at the pun.

"Yes, Firelord Zuko? What can I help you with?" You asked, trying to hide your blush.

"First, please call me Zuko. Second, is there a spare change of clothes in the back?" Zuko asked, looking at everything but you.

"Yes, Zuko..." He nodded at you and you continued. "There is a tea maker's uniform in the rack room and a restroom around the corner, if that works." It was a small backroom, so he didn't have to go very far before finding what he needed. You smiled to yourself as you began remaking the tea. You blushed again when you realized that the Firelord was changing less than ten feet away! You shook your head and continued as he came back out in a similar outfit to yours.

"How do you do that?" He asked. "I mean, make the tea."

"It's kind of complicated to describe, but I can show you." I responded He nodded and stepped closer to you. You blushed at how close he was now. Once you were done, he took your hand and placed a gentle kiss on the top of your hand.

"Thank you for teaching me to make tea. Uncle has been trying for years, but I have had yet to succeed. Let's take turns making the tea and see if he notices." He winked at you and you smiled, taking the tray to the customers outside.

You spent the rest of the day making and serving tea with Zuko, freezing every now and then when Sokka told you to stop moving. It was absolutely magical, and you were on cloud nine. Looking back at that day, you knew you'd give anything to have another day filled with serving tea with Zuko.

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