Haru x Reader Part 2 (Extension)

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Requested by: Autobots_Roll_Out


Y/N - Your Name

You stood at the edge, gazing at the amazing scenery. The Western Air Temple is absolutely amazing! The cliffside descended down into a thick cloud of fog that glowed orange with the rising sun. You breathed in the clean air and stared calmly into the abyss.

"Good morning, Sweetie." Your new fiance wrapped his arms comfortably around your waist from behind. You leaned back into him.

"'Sweetie'? Isn't that Aang and Katara's thing?" You replied, tilting your head to look up at him.

"Really? It is?" Haru asked, clearly confused. You laughed and explained.

"Yeah, they've been using it for forever now. Didn't you notice?"

"You're the only one I notice." Haru replied without skipping a beat. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and moved further inside the temple. "So, what do we call each other?" You stopped by a large column. You hadn't really thought about it that much.

"Hm... I'm not sure. What do you want to be called?" You jumped as you turned to see Haru standing innocently behind you. He smirked as he backed you into the column before burying his head in the curve of your neck. You were very aware of his hands gripping your waist, but didn't protest. This was definitely a new side of him.

"You know the real answer to that, Y/N." His voice sent a shiver up your spine.

"Haru-" He interrupted you by placing several kisses on your neck, causing your hair to stand on end. You heard a low groan and looked at Haru when a shadow passed on the ground off to the right. Okay, so... not him. You noticed his eyes widen as he gaped at the large bison landing on one of the upper balconies. Monkey-feathers!

"Damn it Aang!" Haru whispered under his breath as he scooted away from you, taking his warmth with him. Admittedly, you were just as annoyed at Aang's terrible timing.

"Hey!" Aang shouted, jumping down from Appa's saddle. He was soon followed by Katara, Sokka, and Firelord Zuko. What is he doing here? Shouldn't he be... running a nation or something? Both you and Haru moved to meet the others, refusing to make eye contact. "We just got the news! Congradulations! Are you planning on having the wedding here?" Oh, right! You glanced at Haru. That was the reason for visiting the temple. Somehow, that became a lost objective.

"We're still looking." You replied formally, quickly regaining your composure. "But, this place is just - amazing." You and Haru both stood firmly, which didn't avoid being noticed. Likely the first to sense the tension was Zuko, who coughed and nudged Sokka. Sokka, however, also noticed on his own and motioned behind Aang and Katara to get your attention. You snuck a glance at the two and Zuko took that opportunity to point to his neck. You completely missed the message he was trying to send, and Haru was no help as he was in the middle of a discussion with Aang and Katara.

"Yikes, Y/N. How'd you do that to your neck? It looks like it hurts." Sokka commented, deciding to be less subtle. You could feel your face heating up as the realization hit you. Monkey-feathers! You hadn't realized Haru had left a mark! You moved your hair to cover your neck. Zuko smirked at you while Sokka moved to clap Haru on the back. You looked to Aang and Katara, who looked utterly confused. Well, that told you all you needed to know about their relationship. Hey, totally up to them.

"Y/N, were you hurt? Let me see so I can heal you." Katara uncorcked a small container of water and was starting to draw water out. You held your hands up and took a step back.

"It's okay, that's not neccessary."

"You'll understand someday, Katara." Sokka joked.

"Anyway, what are you all doing here?" Haru changed the subject.

"We heard you were here and thought we could bring you two with us on our way back. We're headed to the Fire Capital for Zuko." Aang answered. You turned to look at him. The color staining his cheeks piqued your interest (you'd always followed the drama).  Zuko opened a small box to reveal a headpiece in the shape of a tiny flame.

"Aw. It's cute. Is that for Mai?" You asked. The two were already married and were several years your senior, but... didn't the Fire Queen already have a crown?

"This artifact was lost while I was banished, so I had a new one made." Zuko explained. "It's traditionally worn by the Crown Prince."

"Oh... but you're the Firelord now. Why would-?" You paused. "Oh...oh! Congradulations! I'm sure you must be excited!" Everyone laughed as Zuko closed the case, and you and Haru were led back to Appa after packing your things. You held onto Haru as Appa flew away from the Western Air Temple.

Hey readers! I've been getting used to everything here and have been able to spend some more time writing, so expect the next couple of one-shots soon! I'm getting close to the end of the requests and to the end of this book. I want to thank y'all so much for reading and enjoying my stories over the past year! In fact, as of this morning, this book got 91k reads!!! Y'all are so amazing! Thank you so much! So, simply because I'm curious, I'll do a Q and A for this one-shot book. If y'all have any questions for me about anything related to this book, message me or comment here. If y'all would like a shout out with the question, I can do that or I can make it anonymous. Remember to vote and comment!

Stay flamin' y'all!

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