Zuko x SisterReader

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^^^That's a pretty awesome statue though.

Requested by: @o0foreveralone0o


Y/N - Your Name

S/N - Shop Name

You don't know how long you've been running, but you knew you couldn't stop. Anyone the Firelord sends his personal guards out to find is probably in a world of trouble, so you didn't want to find out what you had done wrong.


"Can you believe this? The Avatar killed Firelord Ozai!" Maiko shouted, her voice filling the pawn shop your parents owned. Well, they weren't YOUR parents. They were Maiko's, but found you as a baby on the side of the road.

"Seriously? I thought the Avatar was a monk. They don't kill." You replied. Despite being part of the Fire Nation, you had a bit of an obsession with the Airbenders. You ran the artifact section of the pawn shop and a lot of what was there were items you collected. Like a true trader, you kept the most valuable pieces to yourself: a meditation necklace, a couple airbending scrolls, and a beautiful wooden flute.

"Well, I heard it from Misaki, who heard it from Sarai, whose Dad was there. There was this big beam of light and the Avatar then put out all of the fire, and now Firelord Zuko is in power. Firelord Ozai has got to be dead if the war is over. There's no other explanation." Maiko stared at you, begging for you to tell her she was wrong so she could correct you. Rather than giving her the satisfaction, you just shrugged your shoulders, ending the conversation.

The chime of the bells that hung above the door alerted you to the customers walking in. In total, there were three, and all of them looked nearly identical. They wore these green robes and light armor, and their faces were covered in heavy makeup. The only way to tell the difference between them was by their unique head-pieces.

"Welcome to the S/N. How can we help you?" You and Maiko recited.

"Thank you." The girl in front replied. "We're looking for someone, actually. Do either of you know anyone by the name of Y/N?" Maiko glanced at you worriedly. Heart pounding, you stepped out from behind your counter.

"That would be me." Your voice shook, betraying your effort to hide your nerves. What do they want? The girl in front nodded. Within a couple of seconds, you were blindfolded and tied down. "Hey! What in Spirits' name-? Can't we talk this out?"

"The Firelord wishes to speak with you." A new voice answered as you were seated on something moving.

"So then why do I have to be tied up like this? Did I do something wrong?" No reply. After what seemed like a lifetime, you stopped moving.

"Set her here." You felt rough wood against your arms and back, and assumed you were leaning against a tree. You breathed a sigh of relief. If you could use the tree's bark to scratch your way out of the ties around your wrists, then you could figure out how to get home. You began working at the rope immediately. The rope was weak and soon snapped. With your hands freed, you removed the blindfold to see that it was nearing midnight. You quickly untied the rope at your feet and dashed into the woods.

End Flashback.

Pulling your cone-hat low to cover your face, you walked passed the Fire Nation Embassy on the way back to your current home.

"And you're sure there was a sighting." A somewhat-deep voice sounded near you.

"Yes, she was spotted near here, and we called it in immediately." Heart pounding, you walked even faster, hoping to put as much distance between you and the official as possible.

"Zuko." The Firelord? You recognized that voice immediately and stopped in your tracks. It's that girl that was in the front that day. Against your better judgement, you did the stupid thing and turned back to stare at the group walking out of the Embassy. The front girl was looking directly at you. You two made eye-contact and you turned tail to run. However, another one of the girls that was there that day blocked your path. "That's her."

"Y/N?" You heard the Firelord and bowed, hoping it made you seem non-threatening. He's supposedly the most powerful firebender in the world. You did NOT want him to be angry with you. "I was hoping I would find you. Please, come with me." You nodded and followed him as he stepped into an ornate carriage. "Hm. You look just like him." He commented.


"Doesn't she know?" Firelord Zuko muttered. You stared at him, the awkward silence making you even more nervous. "Do you know who your real parents are?"

"No, of course not. They left me on the side of the road with a blanket and a name-tag."

"I see." The Firelord paused. "Well, here's the thing... I don't know about your mother, but your father is the former Firelord, Ozai." Your jaw practically fell to the floor. Firelord Ozai, my father? There were many scenarios you had imagined about who your parents were and why they gave you up, but that was NOT one of them. "Not only are you his daughter, but you are his first-born." Now it was Firelord Zuko's turn to look uncomfortable. Did he say first-born? It took a minute, but you finally connected the dots. That's why he's here! That's why he's looking for you! At first, you didn't know why he would treat you like a criminal; putting up WANTED posters and chasing you down. Now it made sense. Since you are the first-born to the former Firelord, by right the job should be yours.

"So- so I'M supposed to be the Firelord?"

"By birth-right, yes." Firelord Zuko started. "Unless, of course, you decide to give up that right. I've spent years running from our father, and trying to regain my honor. It was just before the end of the war that I realized that it was the Fire Nation that had lost its honor, not me. I wanted to end this war and work with the Avatar to bring about an era of peace and stability. I can't make that happen if I am not Firelord. I know it's a lot to ask, and you will still be recognized as and treated like a member of the Royal Family. I just want you to formally abdicate the throne to me."

"Sure." You shrugged your shoulders, smirking at your brother's shocked face. "I have two conditions."

Once Zuko shook off his surprise, he replied. "Name them."

"One, I have quite the collection of precious Air Nomad artifacts back at S/N. I want to bring them with me. Maybe start up a little shop of my own."

"Okay." Zuko shrugged. That was easy.

"Second, I get to call you 'Little Brother'. I mean, you are technically my little brother, right?" Zuko smiled a little and nodded.

"Just... don't call me 'Zuzu.'" Okay. New goal, now that you are part of the Royal Family, you are going to try and make Zuko laugh.


Hey readers! I wrote this one over the break, but like the one-shot before this, I couldn't post it. Now that it's up, I hope y'all like it. Remember to vote and comment!

Stay flamin'!

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