Aang x AirbenderReader Part 2

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H/L – Hair Length

H/C – Hair Color

E/C – Eye Color

It was dark and damp in that cell. The only light you ever saw was through the bottom of the door, which was now collecting cobwebs. You sat for what felt like years huddled in a corner. You counted the days for every third meal you received, assuming you got three meals a day. Yet all you could think about was the Avatar. Was he responsible for this? You just wanted to meet him now that he was here. You heard steps close to your cell. Is it time to eat already?

"Longfeng, sir." The voice whispered. You shot up and raced toward the door. "The Avatar and the Firelord are meeting with the Earth King today."

"Good." Longfeng droned. "Get the girl. Make sure she knows it was the Earth King that put her here." You heard steps approach your cell. This time, however, your reaction was slower. Before you knew it, the door disappeared into the ceiling and a very surprised Dia Lee agent was looming over you. You shrieked and ran passed the agent, but he was faster than you were. In a short amount of time you were being dragged, hands locked behind your back, into Longfeng's cell. The agent threw you in front of a well-dressed and highly annoyed Longfeng. "Now, girl, I want you to tell me all you heard." He commanded.

"I heard enough." You rasped. "How are you still in power?"

"I have always been in power. Do you think the Earth King was making the decisions?" He stood and walked towards you. You backed into the wall, still with your hands tied. "Now, there is the matter of you telling the Earth King what I've been up to. We can't have that, now can we?" He put a hand on the wall next to your head. He was way to close for comfort now. You whimpered and shrunk against the wall. A panel in the wall behind you shifted and you fell back as something fell on top of you. The binding on your wrists finally released your hands. You grabbed the thin wooden object and brought it to where you could see it.

The object was thin and made from dark wood. The craftsmanship was incredible. You held the staff in your hands as you examined the artifact. I thought the last one belonged to the Avatar. No, this was a genuine, monk-crafted airbending staff.

"The monks once used these to fly." You commented quietly.

"Yes. Especially the monk who so generously donated this one. I believe you knew her." Longfeng said. You looked up, confused. You didn't know any monks. Longfeng grinned at you. "I hope you haven't forgotten about them already. Blood is normally much thicker than that." Realization dawned on you. The priceless staff you were holding belonged to your mother! You gaped at Longfeng. How did he get that? He grabbed the staff and you were pinned to the wall by an earth-band that wrapped around your chest and arms. Longfeng held the top of the staff in one hand and started to lean on the middle of the staff.

"No!" You screamed. "No, please! Please don't."

"Oh I won't, girl. As long as you cooperate, I will keep this whole and in tact. Once you have done your job, you can take this and leave Ba Sing Se. You can never return." Longfeng ordered. You nodded quickly. You'd thought you had nothing, other than your airbending, left of your mother. The Dia Lee agent dragged you back to your cell, where you spent the rest of your time practicing your forms, control, and meditation.


Your cell was unlocked by an older woman in a Dia Lee uniform. She threw some ripped clothing at your feet. By the time you had changed, you looked like you had spent years in prison. Yet, you wore a torn yellow shirt with ripped orange pants that ended just below the knee and a destroyed matching covering that attached to the shirt at the elbows. Your H/L H/C was tied back. Then, the same agent from before locked your hands behind you with metal cuffs. You were led backwards away from the cell. You were brought outside. The sun blinded you and you shut your eyes against the light. Eventually, you were dragged into a large room in the palace and shoved to the ground. You stayed on the ground, curled into the most comfortable position your bound hands would allow.

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