Chapter 10: Sage

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I'm so sorry about the lack of updates these past few months. School kept me busy last semester, and I thought once vacation started I'd get back into writing but I simply wasn't motivated. Usually, my lack of writing is due to writers' block or to much school work, so it took me by surprise when I felt so unmotivated to write a single word. I tried to push past it, but my mind wouldn't work and my fingers wouldn't move across the keyboard. And then having to deal with my family. Idk. Realizing that your own family can be poisonous towards you is, in my opinion, the saddest thing you can recognize. Part of me gives up trying to compromise with them another part of me realizes I gave up a long time ago but go through the motion of trying because you hope things change, you know? Sighhh. IDK but I'm tired.

Sorry for all the babbling. I got this chapter done. I don't know where the motivation came from, maybe it's a form of escape but either way I wrote until I thought it was enough for a chapter. I hope y'all like it tho.

Thank you for sticking with this story despite the long wait, y'all are amazing ♡♡♡♡

Picture is of Hades :)

▼o・ェ・o▼ ~WOOF


The taxi driver drove to my apartment from Kyle's in silence, partly because the radio was broken. After a heavy and long meeting, all I wanted from this day was to snuggle up with Kyle and watch some of his favorite Disney movies. Something about feeling his body react and the sounds he'd make towards the scenes and characters put me oddly at easy.

But I knew that he'd want to talk first about what was bothering me. Despite my well-crafted facade, he read me like an open book. I hated it when he had so easily jabbed and ripped open my feelings for James as if I shouted my attraction towards him on a constant basis instead of shoving it into a sealed box away from the public view. But slowly I was starting to appreciate his keen sense to call me on on my bullshit. I was starting to feel more real.

I could feel Kyle's eyes burn a hole in the back of my head through the headrest willing me to just pour myself out to him now. I shifted in my seat so that my head was leaning on the window. I planned to tell him, but I needed to gather my thoughts first.

Everything that had happened after Kyle had left the office to grab his stuff had happened too fast. The chaos James had created in just a few minutes in his office and what he had said. I wasn't exactly sure how to feel. His rejection of my relationship with Kyle was a slap in the face and a hot iron rod to my chest. And his declaration of love couldn't take the hurt away. I was confused on what to feel and do. I never expected for James to show any interest in me outside my fantasies. He was just this beastly god I fantasized and yes hoped would notice me but I was realistic and never imagined he'd want me.

That was what he has been for the past few years, a fantasy. A man who oozed brilliance, charisma, and good looks. The simplest tributes of the shell of a person before getting to know them. And that was where my mistake laid. Having accepted the job as his secretary, I got to see James in ways I never had.

The man was childish, lazy and damn persistent when it came to something he wanted. He was an iron wall with conviction. When it came to working, he'd complained before and during the process of getting anything done. The light in his eyes when I would simply go over his daily schedule or the dim whenever I rejected a lunch invitation. The way he laughed at himself because he thought I considered him incompetent whenever I would give him less work to do because I had finished them for him.

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