Chapter 21: James

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Small doesn't go into graphic details or anything like that but the mention of rape is presented, if just for a bit. I wanted to give you beautiful people a heads up because I know how sensitive and triggering it can be for some. 

▼o・ェ・o▼ WOOF

Sage rolled over and settled on my chest. I breathe his scent in and ran my fingers down his arm. Grasping his hand, I brought it to my lips. Sage was worn out as he continued to sleep. You would think he was harmless even in his sleep but my anxiety hadn't gone away. Sage was a frightening man. The hold he had on me was strong. Though if I was honest it felt one-sided.

I traced his neck and shoulder. My mark would look beautiful on his skin. 

To have a human for a mate was never a thought I had. It was too frightening but having a Tivnan was even more so. To think that I was so worried about having him a human, as a mate when my true worries laid in his heritage.

He was a strong man with a will power to match. And I loved him for it but moments like earlier scared me. He was capable of a lot. And I wasn't sure if my heart could take him putting himself in danger. To make things worse, that danger right now put not just him but my clan in a crisis. I wasn't a fool to think that Emerson wasn't aware of Sage and I. Everyone in the Mystic World knew the rules that involved the Tivnan family.

I stared down at Sage, how could I not involve myself with him when I felt like this. I was letting my clan down but I couldn't remove myself from Sage's life. I would fight for both of them. The ancestors gave me this chance, I couldn't give in without at least trying.

However, it was Emerson's son, Gavin, who I had to worry about. I had never really had a real conversation with the guy to understand why he came after my company. It was clear Gavin was after Sage but I didn't understand why he came for me at the time that he did. Sage worked for me after the fact.

That bastard wasn't getting away with whatever he thought he was doing, though. My company was salvageable but the heart of my mate wasn't. And I'd make sure Gavin paid for it no matter what his lineage was. My last encounter with him was at the board meeting. His slick comments kept getting worse and worse and when one of them outwardly attacked Sage I lunged for Gavin's throat without thinking.

Everyone wouldn't think I was being unreasonable as they did now when they find out Sage was my mate. At the time I was lucky Emerson accepted the apology but now I wonder what he would do if he knew what Sage was to me. I knew from Sage now that Gavin wasn't on good terms with his father. And I was sure now that the look Emerson gave his son that day meant Gavin wouldn't have been left unscathed.

Emerson didn't come off as a forgiving man and I could only guess how worse Sage's father was. I remembered clearly how Sage looked. He was unmoved by Gavin's comments. Sage's reaction made sense with his father there. The rumors on Nathan Tivnan were no exaggeration. He was a man that got things done no matter the objective. The Tivnan family had a long history in our world one of power and violence and that was saying a lot for a generation of humans.

Not much was known but we were aware that the Tivnan family never took a shifter as a mate. They breed with only selected human candidates. I looked down at my beautiful man. Gavin knew that Sage couldn't be anyone's mate so his words that day made it seem like he couldn't stand another shifter having him.

"The Tivnan's aren't supposed to be mated or Fated to any shifter, it goes against the oath."

His words sounded justified by the truth that he spoke but his actions. It was almost like Gavin was obsessed with Sage? I groaned. Who was I to understand the mind of a psychopath?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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